Created by ish on 1/1/2025 in #support
Pattern for "sticky" searchParams?
Thanks. I’ll probably have to do similar. Only a subset of my query parameters should be sticky
4 replies
Created by ish on 6/28/2024 in #support
useNavigate outside of router - for example on authentication faiures?
My work-around, is in my API module, I throw an error, that my callers in my components can then navigate to the login page on. But its a bit tedious to do it for every API call, when my post wrapper for example could just do it.
9 replies
Created by ish on 6/28/2024 in #support
useNavigate outside of router - for example on authentication faiures?
solid-router, hash based. But not using start, at all.
9 replies
Created by ish on 6/28/2024 in #support
useNavigate outside of router - for example on authentication faiures?
No, this is an SPA with just SolidJS.
9 replies
Created by ish on 2/24/2024 in #support
Handling errors in createResource
thanks, yeah.. Probably manually fetching, its what I was doing before. Also found taht checking .error before attempting to use the resource
6 replies
Created by Grahf on 2/22/2024 in #support
stop screen flicker from createResource refetch?
I asked this last week in solid-start, using .latest was the answer.
11 replies
Created by ish on 2/16/2024 in #support
Errors loading Bootstrap SASS in dev-mode
An update to date plane SolidJS app has no issues with Bootstrap SASS either.
2 replies
Created by ish on 8/23/2023 in #support
Solid Start: CSR Only Page
Thanks. That and a noscript tag got me the desired effect.
4 replies
Created by ish on 8/23/2023 in #support
Solid Start: CSR Only Page
This almost gets me here..
const PcapUpload = unstable_clientOnly(() => import("~/components/PcapUpload"));

export default function Upload() {
return (
fallback={<>This page requires a browser with JavaScript</>}
const PcapUpload = unstable_clientOnly(() => import("~/components/PcapUpload"));

export default function Upload() {
return (
fallback={<>This page requires a browser with JavaScript</>}
However, if this is the first route the user goes to in the browser the fallback is display, and never goes away.
4 replies
Created by ish on 1/1/2023 in #support
Signals inside Bootstrap Modal
Updating solid-bootstrap to 1.0.13 fixed the issue. Thanks all. Thought I had just added it to my project but must have been more like 10 days ago.
8 replies
Created by ish on 1/1/2023 in #support
Signals inside Bootstrap Modal
Its actually just this "Controlled" example from Works as is, wrap it in a <Modal> and it no longer works.
8 replies