render(() => { <Component />, element }) throws an error when including props

render(() => { <Component />, element }) This works if I only reference the component as <Component /> However, I get an error when using <Component id='xyz' /> Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'firstChild')
2 Replies
REEEEE2y ago
Hmm, you don't need the curly braces element is the second argument to the render function
fragerdazOP2y ago
If I don't use curly braces, I have to pass the argument as just a name (i.e. "Component"), not the component itself (i.e. <Component />). If I only pass the name, how can I include props? I stand corrected... I removed the curly braces to write the following: render(() => <Component id='xyz'/>, element ) and it worked. Thanks @._rb !

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