does not provide an export named 'createRef'

I tried to import useRef
6 Replies
thetarnav15mo ago
Could you provide more context/code example of what are you trying to do? Why do you want to import useRef? Solid doesn’t provide, nor need such a primitive. Take a look at
Solid is a purely reactive library. It was designed from the ground up with a reactive core. It's influenced by reactive principles developed by previous libraries.
Kvngrashy_fxOP15mo ago
Ok import { createRef } from "react"; import { IoAddCircle } from "solid-icons/io"; import { createSignal } from "solid-js"; const UpdatedProfile = () => { const imgRef = createRef(); const [photo, setPhoto] = createSignal(""); const handleImage = (e) => { const file =[0]; transformFile(file); }; const transformFile = (file) => { const reader = new FileReader(); if (file) { reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.onloadend = () => { setPhoto(reader.result); }; } else { setPhoto(""); } }; return ( <div onClick={(e) => { e.stopPropagation(); }} className="flex flex-col justify-center absolute p-2 left-[40%] top-[40%] max-[700px]:top-[25%] max-[700px]:left-[3rem] items-center bg-neutral-900 shadow shadow-neutral-300 h-auto w-[270px] rounded-[9px]" > {photo() ? ( <img onClick={() =>} src={photo()} className="w-full" /> ) : ( <div onClick={() =>} className="flex items-center gap-2 text-white p-3 hover:bg-slate-800 cursor-pointer rounded-[8px] w-full" > <IoAddCircle size={25} /> <p className="text-white font-kanit">Select a photo</p> </div> )} <input type="file" className="hidden" ref={imgRef} onChange={handleImage} /> </div> ); }; export default UpdatedProfile;
bigmistqke15mo ago
1. Solid isn't react compat, so you will not be able to mix and match react and solid packages. 2. There is no concept of useRef in solid. 3. React does not have an export called createRef. (Typescript could help u out visualising those bugs.) 4. Instead of const imageRef = ... you can do let imageRef; 5. I would advise going through the tutorial section of the solid website. It will help getting a grip on some of the core mechanisms.
bigmistqke15mo ago
oo shit haha my bad
Kvngrashy_fxOP15mo ago
That have been resolved thanks But i have another issue with my app deployment to vercel the routes are not working it's showing 404

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