Refetch routeData when dynamic route changes

I use a dynamic route [slug].tsx to display a blogpost for example. To get the data of the post from the database I use routeData in combination with createRouteData. Thereby I set the slug as the key. If I now navigate with a link between blogposts, routeData or createRouteData is not executed again, so the content of the dynamic route does not change. Is this intended or a bug? Do I need to use refetchRouteData to trigger this myself e.g. in createEffect?
export function routeData({ params }: RouteDataArgs) {
return {
post: createRouteData((key) => fetch(key), { key: params.slug }),

export default function PostPage() {
const { post } = useRouteData<typeof routeData>();
return (
<Show when={post()}>
export function routeData({ params }: RouteDataArgs) {
return {
post: createRouteData((key) => fetch(key), { key: params.slug }),

export default function PostPage() {
const { post } = useRouteData<typeof routeData>();
return (
<Show when={post()}>
1 Reply
Fabian Hiller
Fabian HillerOP3y ago
Ok, I think figured out how it works. I have changed the key to a function with an array.
export function routeData({ params }: RouteDataArgs) {
return {
post: createRouteData(
(key) => fetch(key),
{ key: () => ['post', params.slug] }
export function routeData({ params }: RouteDataArgs) {
return {
post: createRouteData(
(key) => fetch(key),
{ key: () => ['post', params.slug] }

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