SolidJS10mo ago

React key prop substitute!

I know what you're thinking, James, you silly sausage - Solid.js doesn't require keys for loops, and you're absolutely right but... I need key={} for another reason, I need to cause a component to be entirely unmounted and remounted, which was easily viable in React by just updating its key value in its parent. Any ideas how I can do that in Solid.js? Cheers, James
4 Replies
thetarnav10mo ago
<>{(signal() , <Component />)}</>
James10mo ago
it's not that I need to be able to toggle a component on/off - I need it to, on a single update be totally replaced by a new instance I can achieve that using a signal along the lines of:
const [shouldMount, setShouldMount] = useSignal(false);

function remount() {
setTimeout(() => {

return signal() && (
<Component />
const [shouldMount, setShouldMount] = useSignal(false);

function remount() {
setTimeout(() => {

return signal() && (
<Component />
but that causes the DOM to be totally removed for a split second whereas in React you can use key={whateverPrimitiveYouWant} to re-render a component, the reason I'm trying to do this is to recreate a bunch of components in my root.tsx (solid-start) for a page on router change - but I think I'll use a layout function and put that in each of the pages instead
thetarnav10mo ago
it's literally this it will rerun the component whenever the signal changes instantly you just need a signal to trigger a simple counter will do, or one with { equals: false } you also can use <Show keyed/> or <Rerun/> from solid-primitives for a similar effect
James10mo ago
oh right! strange syntax but I guess it makes sense, thank you!
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