SolidJS•11mo ago
Erik Demaine

Dependency configuration in Astro

I'm trying to add solid-bootstrap as a dependency in an Astro + Solid project. This results in the solid export flag being turned on, so solid-bootstrap exports dist/esm/index.jsx by default. Then I get the error Could not import ./Accordion, I guess because .jsx isn't getting resolved as a default extension. I feel like this is probably standard... Is there some Vite configuration I should add? I tried
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {include: 'solid-bootstrap'},
ssr: {noExternal: ['solid-bootstrap']},
vite: {
optimizeDeps: {include: 'solid-bootstrap'},
ssr: {noExternal: ['solid-bootstrap']},
(and also optimizeDeps.exclude) but didn't see any difference. Alternatively, is solid-bootstrap doing something wrong? I thought it worked with SSR... But maybe not Astro?
11 Replies
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•11mo ago
what solid flag are we talking about?
Erik Demaine
Erik DemaineOP•11mo ago
The one that impacts package.json exports. Sorry, I always forget their proper name in Node.
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•11mo ago
Can you do SSR with solid start + solid-bootstrap?
Erik Demaine
Erik DemaineOP•11mo ago
I believe so, given past GH issues on solid-bootstrap I seem to have isolated my problem to a different Vite extension (that I cowrote), for Civet 😦 https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-9xb3p3-rvdeyn?file=package.json works, but if I add the Civet extension, I get the same error
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•11mo ago
Birk Skyum
Solid-start Bare Example - StackBlitz
Run official live example code for Solid-start Bare, created by Solidjs on StackBlitz
Erik Demaine
Erik DemaineOP•11mo ago
So I guess that the Civet extension is somehow messing things up... though it shouldn't be doing anything with .jsx files
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•11mo ago
That is SSR of solid-bootstrap with Solid Start So what we know is that solid-bootstrap is alright with ssr. I don't know the astro-solid integration or civet config that well, but it's one of those.
Erik Demaine
Erik DemaineOP•11mo ago
Here's a fork of your StackBlitz that shows the problem: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-ftzkhd-zaqeky?file=app.config.ts so not Astro specific, must be Civet which at least I control... but not sure what's broken Source is here in case you're willing to look at it
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•11mo ago
I won't have time to debug it rn, but it's in civit for sure. weird that it finds the index.jsx, but not the .jsx files imported from there If I manually add the .jsx extensions to the imports like below, then civit can suddenly find the files, so it's related to that
// @refresh skip
export { StartServer } from "./StartServer.jsx";
export { createHandler } from "./handler.jsx";
export { getServerFunctionMeta } from "./serverFunction.jsx";
// @refresh skip
export { StartServer } from "./StartServer.jsx";
export { createHandler } from "./handler.jsx";
export { getServerFunctionMeta } from "./serverFunction.jsx";
Erik Demaine
Erik DemaineOP•11mo ago
Curious. I've tried commenting almost all of the Civet extension (e.g. just always returning null from resolveId) and it still doesn't work. ah, I isolated it to these lines not sure why they don't work but at least I can easily skip them 🙂 Here's the fix in case anyone is curious: https://github.com/DanielXMoore/Civet/pull/1157
mdynnl•11mo ago
yeah, even though https://vitejs.dev/guide/api-plugin.html#config says, the config is deeply merged, they does
const resolveOptions = {
extensions: config.resolve?.extensions ?? DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS,
const resolveOptions = {
extensions: config.resolve?.extensions ?? DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS,

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