Which Solidjs Router library should we use

There are different libraries for SolidJs Router in different documentations earlier it was " solid-app-router" and later" @solidjs/router", where to use which router, all confusion.
4 Replies
Jasmin15mo ago
@solidjs/router is the current, official router for solidjs
Rajesh Joshi
Rajesh JoshiOP15mo ago
Thank you, documentation on Github and website differs.
Jasmin15mo ago
Where is solid-app-router mentioned? This is the old package name
Rajesh Joshi
Rajesh JoshiOP15mo ago
Thanks, now I found detailed video about Solidjs Router https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omxEFzBQCZE
CrabNebula DevTools - Update Solid-Router
Turn your videos into live streams with Restream https://restre.am/ANIm Solid-Router 0.10 was released last week and with brought a bunch of breaking changes and extra features. Let's go into DevTools code and update everything. Maybe we can find some nice opportunities to use new tricks!

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