Image optimization & createAsync saying that can be null

Hi everyone I have two questions: - I need to create a image componente that at the begin loads a small and blurred image, but after the load completes show the full quality image. I try an example using IntersectionObserver, but at the begining the image doesn't appear. - The second one is with createAsync where:
const getAvailableServices = cache(async (): Promise<GetAvailableServicesQueryResult>
const getAvailableServices = cache(async (): Promise<GetAvailableServicesQueryResult>
When I'm using the type is GetAvailableServicesQueryResult | undefined Any idea?
No description
1 Reply
Daniel Sousa @TutoDS
For the image, I have a low quality image file with blur to load and try to do this:
import { createSignal, JSX, mergeProps, splitProps } from "solid-js";
import { cn } from "~/shared/utils";

type HeroBackgroundImageProps = Pick<JSX.ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>, 'srcSet' | 'sizes' | 'loading' | 'alt' | 'class'> & {
* Image source.
src: NonNullable<JSX.ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>['src']>

* Low quality image to show during the load.
blurHash?: string

function HeroBackgroundImage(originalProps: HeroBackgroundImageProps) {
* Hooks to set default values for props and split it into groups.
const props = mergeProps({ alt: 'Impulsionar', class: '' }, originalProps);
const [sources, commonProps] = splitProps(
["src", "srcSet", "blurHash"],
["alt", 'loading', "sizes", 'class']

const [imageSrc, setImageSrc] = createSignal(sources.blurHash ?? '')

return <img
srcSet={sources.srcSet ?? undefined}
loading={commonProps.loading ?? 'lazy'}
onLoad={evt => {
class={cn(['-z-10 absolute inset-0 size-full object-cover', commonProps.class])}

export { HeroBackgroundImage };
export type { HeroBackgroundImageProps };
import { createSignal, JSX, mergeProps, splitProps } from "solid-js";
import { cn } from "~/shared/utils";

type HeroBackgroundImageProps = Pick<JSX.ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>, 'srcSet' | 'sizes' | 'loading' | 'alt' | 'class'> & {
* Image source.
src: NonNullable<JSX.ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>['src']>

* Low quality image to show during the load.
blurHash?: string

function HeroBackgroundImage(originalProps: HeroBackgroundImageProps) {
* Hooks to set default values for props and split it into groups.
const props = mergeProps({ alt: 'Impulsionar', class: '' }, originalProps);
const [sources, commonProps] = splitProps(
["src", "srcSet", "blurHash"],
["alt", 'loading', "sizes", 'class']

const [imageSrc, setImageSrc] = createSignal(sources.blurHash ?? '')

return <img
srcSet={sources.srcSet ?? undefined}
loading={commonProps.loading ?? 'lazy'}
onLoad={evt => {
class={cn(['-z-10 absolute inset-0 size-full object-cover', commonProps.class])}

export { HeroBackgroundImage };
export type { HeroBackgroundImageProps };

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