Daniel Sousa @TutoDS
Daniel Sousa @TutoDS
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Created by Daniel Sousa @TutoDS on 6/24/2024 in #support
Phosphor icons
Hi Everyone I'm new on Solid JS, and I'm trying to get a cool icon font package. I see that Solid Icons have a lot of icons, but I want to use Phosphor icons. In my case I'm using the web package and import the .css file. I see that exists a package for Solid, but in terms of performance, this usage with the web version is a problem? Any suggestion? Thanks everyone! πŸ™
4 replies
Created by Daniel Sousa @TutoDS on 6/22/2024 in #support
Different header for specific routes
Hi everyone Maybe it's noob question and sorry for that. It's possible have different layouts for specific routes? For example transparent header and a header with background in certain routes. Thanks πŸ™
25 replies
Created by Daniel Sousa @TutoDS on 6/15/2024 in #support
Google Fonts
Hi everyone What is the best way of loading Google Fonts on my project?
2 replies
Created by Daniel Sousa @TutoDS on 6/14/2024 in #support
Solid with Sanity CMS
Hi everyone Anyone using Solid with Sanity CMS?
49 replies
Created by fair-rose on 4/12/2023 in #ask-any-question
Multiple translations files
Hi It’s possible have multiple translation files (namespaces) with refine? Thanks
12 replies