[TypeError: The "payload" argument must be of type object. Received null]
Prisma initialization failing in prod Prisma Postgres
``⨯ Error [PrismaClientInitializationError]:
prisma.user.findUnique() invocation:
error: Error validating datasource
db: the URL must start with the protocol
postgresql:// or
postgres://`....postgress migration error
Removed accelerate but keeps asking for database url that start swith prisma://
creating a BM25 index
Is there a recommended way to create an aws lambda layer?
Upgrade from Early Access
why am I getting this error when trying to update 1 user and using null in where
Prisma connect to Azure SQL database?
env variable not found
Two table fields are the same
Issue with Prisma Pooling Timeout
Can get prisma dev to align with production
was modified after it was applied.
- Drift detected: Your database schema is not in sync with your migration history.
The following is a summary of the differences between the expected database schema given your migrations files, and the actual schema of the database.
...Prisma extented Request type
PG extensions and database credentials
prisma pulse + supabase?
How can I get all fields from query that have been somehow accessed?
Prisma generate