solid-transition-group not working inside createRoot
What im trying to do
I want a function that i can call such that i can just inject element where ever i want, this is useful for creating like confirmation. So currently if i want some kind of floating widget that is not always present AKA dynamically show up, im gonna need to create signal and then use that signal to fire <Show />, which is fine for form theyre sometime already huge so adding <Show /> wouldnt be much work. But in the case of simpler things like mere confirmation, i gotta first put that confirmation inside a <Show /> and then create 2 signal one for checking if the element is open and the other for confirmation answer (which is neccessary). and then i gotta make sure that everything is done after that confirmation closed (using effects and such). But now i have made myself a little function to create element outside of the current context so i can just call it where ever.
this is the core function
2 Replies
i use that to create a modal
and then i use that modal to create a prompt for inputting name
so now i can just call save_quizz_form().then(name => savesomewhere(name)).catch((err) => somerrorhandling)
which is alot more make sense
problem is solid-transition-group dont work, as you can see im animatiing it manually
You can have a look at toast component and either use it or look at the implementation: