Can't find variable: theme
I'm writing a solid + SUID + Tauri application, and I tried to start simple, by setting the application theme; but for some reason, when I actually try to run the app, whatever I put in for the value of
is reported as 'can't find' (even though it clearly can)
This issue occurs both in Chrome and in the Tauri window
My code so far looks like this:
8 Replies
strange, can u reproduce it on the playground?
seems like this was affected by the new Vite (Refresh) version, I've fixed this now, we just need to roll a release (or you can rollback your refresh version for now)
I can wait for the release; is there a place to get pinged for that?
like when a release happens?
but yeah here's the related issue:
Uncaught ReferenceError: ___ is not defined · Issue #59 · solidjs/s...
This code is raising an unexpected ReferenceError: import { createQuery } from "@tanstack/solid-query"; import { For, Match, Switch } from "solid-js"; import { RESTClient } from...
for the release, we usually don't make announcements
anyways if you're using Vite, I think a patch release is available, it rolls back to an older version of Refresh
we are planning to keep this in beta for now