Children helper break Context

I made a snippet to better show the problem, I tried looping the props.children instead of using the helper but it didn't really work
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2 Replies
Otonashi2y ago
children evaluates the children, so in this case it is outside the context either do children(() => <Provider>{props.children}</Provider>) or use a second component inside the context provider and use the children helper there i.e.
const Group = () => {
const Inner = () => {
const c = children(...);
createEffect(() => {
return <>{c()}</>;
return <Provider value={context}><Inner /></Provider>;
const Group = () => {
const Inner = () => {
const c = children(...);
createEffect(() => {
return <>{c()}</>;
return <Provider value={context}><Inner /></Provider>;
LadvaceOP2y ago
got it, thanks!

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