`<script>` tag are loaded at the bottom of body, I need to load them on the `<head>` tag...
Hello all 🙂
I need to use the Font Awesome kit which is available by inserting it into the
tag of the document (<script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/xxxxxxx.js" crossorigin="anonymous" />
I can see that SolidStart put all the scripts at the end of the body.
Is it possible to load some script in the head specifically ?1 Reply
script inside head will only work if the page was SSR-ed as the browser doesn't run the script inside a template which solid uses as its main dom creation
you should see something at https://primitives.solidjs.community/
you can just use
if you wanna DIY
ah, didn't read the title lol. it should work as you expected if you're using ssr and blocks the rendering until the script is done its execution.