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Created by Carere on 2/9/2025 in #help
Are middleware singleton like in ElysiaJS ?
Hello, Just wondering if middleware were singleton like in Elysia ? I have a middleware which is my dependency container, and I need to apply a .use(container) on each route which needs to access the container. Should I add a check in my code to not add my variables to context if it already been added ? Or does Hono do this for me with a specific option ? Thx for your answers 🙂
16 replies
Created by Carere on 12/1/2024 in #help
Unable to find a random port on any host
When trying to run a fresh SolidStart project, I get this error:
ERROR Unable to find a random port on any host 10:31:48 PM

at getRandomPort (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/get-port-please/dist/index.mjs:335:11)
at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:175:7)
at async createViteHandler (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/dev-server.js:52:15)
at async Object.handler (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/router-modes.js:257:24)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async createDevServer (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/dev-server.js:156:5)
at async (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/bin/cli.mjs:186:17)
at async runCommand (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:316:16)
at async runCommand (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:307:11)
at async runMain (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:445:7)

ERROR Unable to find a random port on any host
ERROR Unable to find a random port on any host 10:31:48 PM

at getRandomPort (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/get-port-please/dist/index.mjs:335:11)
at eventLoopTick (ext:core/01_core.js:175:7)
at async createViteHandler (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/dev-server.js:52:15)
at async Object.handler (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/router-modes.js:257:24)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at async createDevServer (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/lib/dev-server.js:156:5)
at async (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/vinxi/bin/cli.mjs:186:17)
at async runCommand (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:316:16)
at async runCommand (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:307:11)
at async runMain (node_modules/.deno/[email protected]/node_modules/citty/dist/index.mjs:445:7)

ERROR Unable to find a random port on any host
Step to reproduce: - deno run npm:create-solid - cd <your_project_name> && deno install - deno run dev
1 replies
Created by Carere on 11/9/2024 in #help
Is there an example with SomidJS AND Typescript with Deno ?
Hello, I write this message since I can't use SolidJS with Deno, all the example on the web are in JS... And not TS... I don't know how to load the proper JSX runtime on the deno.json... If anyone has a clue, I'll be happy to unlock myself with this issue...
1 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
Hello, all 😄 I'm trying to run SolidJS with Deno & ViteJS, thus I'm using a new plugin made by community to help ViteJS reolsve deno module (vite-deno-plugin). I have several problem with this repo, I don't have Solid-Refresh, The router does not work 😅 and when I build (vite build), Rollup stop because he cannot found memo inside solid-js package. If anyone has enough knowledge with build and ESM module, I'll be happy to receive some help in order to make it work 😄 Here is the repo:
15 replies
Created by Carere on 10/22/2023 in #help
Organizing dependencies in workspace with several project folder
Suppose you have a workspace with several folder, and in each folder you have a deno project. What is the best solution to handle dependencies for this workspace ? - A single import_map.json at the root of the workspace and each project reference it in their respective deno.json with the importMap property ? - Defining for each project the imports key in their respective deno.json ? - Another option ? Also, what is the best option to play nicely with IDE ? (I'm using Neovim)
3 replies
Created by Carere on 9/19/2023 in #help
How can I run `deno test` on all `*.spec.ts` files contains in a specific directory ?
Everything is in the question, it seems very strange that we do not have a pattern option to specify we wanna run all test contains in a directory
2 replies
Created by Carere on 9/18/2023 in #help
Pretty new to Deno, what is the recommended way to create a monorepo-like in Deno ?
Everything is in the question. I tried during the entire week-end to get up & running with monorepo-like setup in Deno. My NodeJS monorepo was pretty simplistic: - app ---- 3 projects inside (front, server, and cli) - packages ---- 1 project inside which is used by all 3 mentioned above I don't have any problem with Deno runtime project (eg. CLI, server, etc), Deno delivers perfectly (it's a real pleasure to work with it on those type of project). The real pain reside in FrontEnd with ViteJS. It seems that ViteJs project need to be in it's own root folder, it cannot be a sub-folder. Also, I would like to keep my NX configuration since it does rely on package.json (really helpful in order to avoid building project if nothing has change in it) So my question is, do I waste time trying to use my former knowledge of monorepo ? Do I need to switch my way of thinking (as I did by not using package.json and node_modules) ? Is there somewhere some resource explaining how to proceed to achieve what I'm trying to do ? PS: Please, try to answer with elaborate responses, don't want to be bash for asking questions as a newbie on a new tech 😅
19 replies
Created by Carere on 9/14/2023 in #help
Impossible to use `"jsx": "preserve"` in deno.json...
Well it seems that I can't use jsx preserve in deno.json, when I try to run any tasks in deno.json, I get the following error:
error: Unsupported 'jsx' compiler option value 'preserve'. Supported: 'react-jsx', 'react-jsxdev', 'react'
at file:///home/carere/Projects/Ashiso/zentai/deno.json
error: Unsupported 'jsx' compiler option value 'preserve'. Supported: 'react-jsx', 'react-jsxdev', 'react'
at file:///home/carere/Projects/Ashiso/zentai/deno.json
I use Solid-JS in my project, how should I proceed ?
5 replies
Created by Carere on 9/14/2023 in #help
Can I use Workers in an executable ?
Everything is in the questions, on the doc site, it is mention that we can't use Workers when creating executable, but then on the page executable, it says that we need to use the --include option in order to add the worker code to the executable. So what is the state of the Workers inside an executable with Deno actually ?
5 replies
Created by Carere on 8/7/2023 in #support
`<script>` tag are loaded at the bottom of body, I need to load them on the `<head>` tag...
Hello all 🙂 I need to use the Font Awesome kit which is available by inserting it into the head tag of the document (<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" />) I can see that SolidStart put all the scripts at the end of the body. Is it possible to load some script in the head specifically ?
5 replies
Created by Carere on 8/6/2023 in #support
How to use SolidStart on existing SolidJs project in order to benefit of File Based Routing ?
PS: I use SolidJs only for SPA, so only client-side ? Is it possible to use SolidStart only for client Side ? My goal is to benefit from the organization of SolidStart, i'm used to SolidJs router on client side, but I think it's a little bit messy, so that's why I would like to try SolidStart for Client SIde only rendering (SPA)
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/5/2023 in #support
Anyone has tested Tauri App with Solid Start ?
Hello all, I would like to know if anyone has already created a project with solid start and Tauri. If not with tauri, did you tried Client Side Rendering with Sold-Start ? I don't see so much doc on this subject. Thx all 🙂
2 replies
Created by Carere on 12/22/2022 in #support
Is this possible to render a component as string in browser context ?
Hello, I saw in the discord that its impossible to use renderToString in the borwser. Is there another way to render to a string a SolidJS component ? Instead of using pure template string ?
7 replies