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Created by Carere on 2/9/2025 in #help
Are middleware singleton like in ElysiaJS ?
Thx for your exhaustive answer 🙂 I actually just creating a web api for my project and I wanted to initialize a container dependency at the beginning of my server. So I think I'm gonna declare it at the top of my Api and I'm gonna pass the generic to each instance of route 😉
16 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
Because way more enjoyable than node 🙂
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
In the vite.config.mts file, it's a vite plugin
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
Also, I'm not using SolidStart for this project since it's a SPA, so it may help avoid all the fuzz about server stuff, and only focus on ViteJS + SolidJs + Solid-router on Deno
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
@Birk Skyum Thx to the author of vite-deno-plugin I updated my repo, and now I can build the app with vitejs. The only problem is that the router does not seems to work properly (if you go directly to a route through the search bar, it works, but when you click on a link it does not switch the content, it just update the browser history). Maybe you can see what's going wrong here ? Also, I saw that the Route components exported from[email protected]?target=esnext is not typed correctly, but the Router is. It's maybe a problem with the bundling of solid-router ?
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
Ok nice to know, guess we have to wait 😅
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
The problem occurs when trying to build with vite
15 replies
Created by Carere on 3/26/2024 in #support
Trying SolidJS + Deno + ViteJS + Solid-Router + TailwindCSS, would love some help :)
@Birk Skyum Do you mind trying my repository ? I don't use SolidStart and it works in dev mode with the vue-deno-plugin. You may found something useful that I cannot see due to my lacking knowledge of all the bundle fuzz 😅
15 replies
Created by AesthetiCoder on 12/15/2023 in #support
Is solids SEO friendly ?
I think it's dangerous to advise going the SPA route when considering SEO
10 replies
Created by AesthetiCoder on 12/15/2023 in #support
Is solids SEO friendly ?
Well I don't know lot of people betting good SEO with SPA 😅
10 replies
Created by AesthetiCoder on 12/15/2023 in #support
Is solids SEO friendly ?
You have SolidStart build by the team behind SolidJS
10 replies
Created by Vexcited on 12/14/2023 in #support
Is there a better way to make authenticated routes ?
In order to "protect" some routes, I usually render a Layout with <Outlet /> in it. And inside my Layout component, I have all the logic to guard against unauthenticated access 😉
3 replies
Created by AesthetiCoder on 12/15/2023 in #support
Is solids SEO friendly ?
I did some websites with SolidStart, you can look at the docs it's pretty easy to understand compared to other solutions from other UI framework
10 replies
Created by AesthetiCoder on 12/15/2023 in #support
Is solids SEO friendly ?
If you need SEO you have to Server Render the pages. That's why NextJs, remix, sveltekit, nuxt and SolidStart was created 😉
10 replies
Created by Carere on 9/18/2023 in #help
Pretty new to Deno, what is the recommended way to create a monorepo-like in Deno ?
For those looking for more info about this subject, I ended up using this methodology: It's a great example how to have a monorepo-like experience with Deno. For the Front-End, you have to stick to Node, but since you're using ViteJs, it's not really a problem. You get the best of both world. Great DX overall, ViteJs for the front end, and deno for server & CLI 😄 Don't hesitate if you have some questions 🙂
19 replies
Created by Carere on 9/14/2023 in #help
Impossible to use `"jsx": "preserve"` in deno.json...
Well I'm building an SPA with Vitejs actually, so it seems that it would cause no problem, thx for your answer 🙂
5 replies
Created by Carere on 9/14/2023 in #help
Impossible to use `"jsx": "preserve"` in deno.json...
So how I suppose to work with SolidJs ?
5 replies
Created by Carere on 9/14/2023 in #help
Can I use Workers in an executable ?
yeah I did the test and it worked so perfect, it was the only thing that prevent me to go the Deno path. And Bun is way too eraly stage, it's clearly not a 1.0 😅 So thx for your answer 😉
5 replies
Created by o gabriel on 8/7/2023 in #support
Solid context doesnt work
Haha no PB 😅, you're welcome 😁
6 replies
Created by o gabriel on 8/7/2023 in #support
Solid context doesnt work
Should the extension be tsx ?
6 replies