Is there away to pass all variable to all children components

I want to do simple i18n:
// i18n.ts file
export default {
en: { key: 'value' },
vi: { key: 'giá trị' },
// i18n.ts file
export default {
en: { key: 'value' },
vi: { key: 'giá trị' },
import t from 'i18n.ts'
import Child from 'Child.ts'

// Component Parent
export default function() {
const locale = 'vi'
return (
import t from 'i18n.ts'
import Child from 'Child.ts'

// Component Parent
export default function() {
const locale = 'vi'
return (
import Grandchild from 'Grandchild.ts'

// Component Child
export default function() {
return (
<Grandchild />
<Grandchild />
<Grandchild />
import Grandchild from 'Grandchild.ts'

// Component Child
export default function() {
return (
<Grandchild />
<Grandchild />
<Grandchild />
import t from 'i18n.ts'

// Component Grandchild
export default function() {
const locale = 'vi' // it would be good if I can get this from Parent without passing through property
return <p>{t[locale].key}</p>
import t from 'i18n.ts'

// Component Grandchild
export default function() {
const locale = 'vi' // it would be good if I can get this from Parent without passing through property
return <p>{t[locale].key}</p>
I found this: It seems great for big site but mine is super small so it seems to overkill to use that package.
2 Replies
Đăng Tú
Đăng TúOP2mo ago
nevermind me, I think the useContext can solve my problem:
quinnvaughn2mo ago
Yep, classic use case for context

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