Access native html dialogs show/close methods in clickHandler
Hey folks,
I am currently using native html dialogs inside my app and am accessing their show/close methods by using them from window (e.g.
). However this is pretty error prone and also doesn't play well with testing.
Is there a recommended way on how to use these without accessing the window? I thought of using refs
but apparently these refs are not set, when my handler functions are created, so they stay undefined. 🤔
Ideally I would export show/close functions from my component file that could be used everywhere througout the app.
Any idea what would be a good way to solve this?11 Replies
ah, It seems to work if I just use as signal setter inside the ref and access the signal. Is this the recommended approach, or does this have any downsides, I am not aware of, yet? for example:
hm, this still doesn't seem to play well with tests 🤔
I guess jsdom does not support the dialog tag's extensions.
ah damn 😦
It should be possible to patch this on the prototype.
I'm currently not on my PC, so I cannot easily test it myself, though.
ah, thanks. Hm - how would I mock the functionality attached to buttons on a dialog, though 🤔
Give me a moment...
(another small issue i noticed with my approach above is, that apparently refs can break on HMR-updates 😬 ) - so they no longer work after making changes to our codebase
I'm not too deep in the whole HMR stuff, so I cannot answer this one. HMR + testing is still mostly broken.
You can attach a click listener to the dialog tag on calling open and remove it on close().
I still wouldn't have access to the markup inside the dialog, though, right? So I would need a different testing-lib query? Or am I mssing something?
You can use the at least inside the test, dialog is just another HTML element.
@lexlohr Ah nice I just realised, that it seems to be easier, than I thought. I got the following code, from this issue:
Now the dialog will actually be shown, and can be queried with testing-library 👍
Any plans to add support for the HTMLDialogElement? · Issue #3294 ·...
Basic info: Node.js version: v16.13.0 jsdom version: 18.1.0 Minimal reproduction case /** * show and showModal don't exist (jsdom + HTMLDialogElement) */ // Suite('can have state toggled...