How to mount a Solid component to a dom element?

I have a Solid app... ...that uses a vanilla-js library ...which gives me a <div> to do stuff with. (So this sandwich has 3 layers.) (Think of the vanilla-js library as like, CodeMirror or ag-grid or something. A complex UI lib which gives me ways to customize certain components.) How do I mount a Solid component to the vanilla-js's exposed <div>? I see two options: render(), and <Portal>. render's docs only really discuss it as the "browser entry point". However I feel like I should be able to use it for the above purpose too. (Yes, the vanilla-js library provides a "teardown" hook where I can call render's dispose.) There shouldn't be any problems with nested render calls, right? * * Portal should work too, but I'm hoping to avoid it because I'm getting a "computations created outside a createRoot or render will never be disposed" warning and fixing that is causing a lot of boilerplate code.
8 Replies
AlexErrantOP5mo ago
Yeah that detail could come into play depending on the vanilla-js lib details. Thanks for the explanation!
Madaxen865mo ago
What lib are you using?
Mango Juicy
Mango Juicy5mo ago
There's a non-compiled version of Solid that can be direcly used in vanilla js, but the experience would't be great: Could work if all other options fail
Solid is a purely reactive library. It was designed from the ground up with a reactive core. It's influenced by reactive principles developed by previous libraries.
AlexErrantOP5mo ago
Currently I'm working on using vanilla-js ag-grid (because the solid-js version is unmaintained) but I might be using render with DockView and/or CodeMirror too. (Though perhaps DockView should stick with Portals; I think there are drag-n-drop reasons why portals are better than render in that context; e.g. moving dom elements (summary/details) won't change their state. IDK haven't tried/tested much of anything yet.)
Madaxen865mo ago
Well, the very cool thing about Solid :solid: is that you don't need many wrappers. I've made this video a while ago: Here's a stackblitz in which I've implemented ag grid with just a few lines of code.
Martin Rapp
How to integrate a Vanilla JS library into SolidJS.
Solid is missing an ecosystem? Well, unlike Svelte or React, Solid doesn't require wrapper libraries thanks to it's render once approach. In this video I show you how to integrate a simple. Please subscribe to @solid-dev Repo on Github:
AlexErrantOP5mo ago
thanks for the links! I'm using ag-grid's "Cell Components", so using render with it looks something like this
Madaxen865mo ago
Well you can just pass a simple Solid component as the custom cell renderer like
function MyButton() {
const [local, setLocal] = createSignal(0);

return (
<div >
class="border border-black m-1 p-1 rounded-lg"
onClick={() => {
setGlobal((x) => x + 1);
global {global()}++
class="border border-black m-1 p-1 rounded-lg"
onClick={() => {
setLocal((x) => x + 1);
local {local()}++
function MyButton() {
const [local, setLocal] = createSignal(0);

return (
<div >
class="border border-black m-1 p-1 rounded-lg"
onClick={() => {
setGlobal((x) => x + 1);
global {global()}++
class="border border-black m-1 p-1 rounded-lg"
onClick={() => {
setLocal((x) => x + 1);
local {local()}++
} It'll work just fine. Solid will handle reactivity and cleanUp. No need to implement the refresh and destroy, etc.
Solid-start With Tailwindcss Example (forked) - StackBlitz
Run official live example code for Solid-start With Tailwindcss, created by Solidjs on StackBlitz
AlexErrantOP5mo ago
HAH. You're so right. Thank you for deleting my entire question lol - classic X/Y problem. For any future searchers, ag-grid states "Instead of using a class component, it's possible to use a function for a Cell Component... The function should return back either a) a string of HTML or b) a DOM object." And Solid components return real dom objs! (I love deleting code.) Ahh, I think I have to use render; trying to use a fn component gets me the classic "computations created outside a createRoot or render will never be disposed"

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