SolidJS2y ago

Conditional tailwind css using signal

Hi there, I am looking for a way to apply a tailwind css style to a div when the signal is set to true. Is that possible?
4 Replies
high12y ago
It is You can use solid's built in classList, or you could use clsx or classnames, and conditionally add classes <div class={clsx('flex items-center', useTw && 'bg-red-500')} useTw would be a signal or something reactive
high12y ago
Solid is a purely reactive library. It was designed from the ground up with a reactive core. It's influenced by reactive principles developed by previous libraries.
Grahf2y ago
I don't think tailwind recommends using tailwind like this but this is what I do: class={whitespace-pre-wrap overflow-scroll h-full px-20 py-2 overflow-x-hidden ${ seeAlsoText() ? 'w-2/3' : 'w-full' }}
high12y ago
This is completely fine with tailwind - it's just that using template strings like this is not that ergonomic when something is truthy or falsey, and become cumbersome if used a lot.

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