Dynamic Component & Props
I'm having a hard time making use of the <Dynamic/> component and passing props to the underlying component.
This is the dynamic component:
Here, it should pass to the underlying component the id and onClick properties
I'm using it like this:
But upon usage and further inspection, it does not pass the properties, no sure why, as documentation shows this example for this:
<Dynamic component={someComponent} someProp="someValue" />
Any idea of how to make this work?7 Replies
Where do you want these props to be used?
By the button component
should they be on the
component in TableFilterButton
you have to accept the props and pass them to the component:
the Dynamic
component passes them to TableFilterButton
, but you're not using themoh, what a silly mistake
it worked!
nice! :zzz_flushedfroge:
happy to help