Solid-start + mdx: remark-shiki-twoslash does not work

I tried the current version of solid-start with mdx and attempted to integrate remark-shiki-twoslash (same as the docs), but no luck so far. I do not see syntax highlighting.
1 Reply
Alex Lohr
Alex LohrOP12mo ago
I used the same configuration that is exported in solid-start-mdx (copy and pasted the return value, except for the other rehype/remark plugins except for rehypeRaw).
import { nodeTypes } from "@mdx-js/mdx";
import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
/* @ts-ignore */
import pkg from "@vinxi/plugin-mdx";
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";
import { default as shikiTwoslash } from "remark-shiki-twoslash";

const { default: mdx } = pkg;
export default defineConfig({
start: {
ssr: true,
extensions: ["mdx", "md"],
server: { preset: "static" },
plugins: [
jsx: true,
jsxImportSource: "solid-js",
providerImportSource: "solid-mdx",
mdxOptions: {
rehypePlugins: [[rehypeRaw, { passThrough: nodeTypes }]],
remarkPlugins: [
disableImplicitReactImport: true,
includeJSDocInHover: true,
theme: "css-variables",
defaultCompilerOptions: {
allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
target: "ESNext",
module: "ESNext",
lib: ["lib.dom.d.ts", "lib.es2015.d.ts"],
jsxImportSource: "solid-js",
jsx: "preserve",
types: ["vite/client"],
paths: {
"~/*": ["./src/*"],
import { nodeTypes } from "@mdx-js/mdx";
import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config";
/* @ts-ignore */
import pkg from "@vinxi/plugin-mdx";
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";
import { default as shikiTwoslash } from "remark-shiki-twoslash";

const { default: mdx } = pkg;
export default defineConfig({
start: {
ssr: true,
extensions: ["mdx", "md"],
server: { preset: "static" },
plugins: [
jsx: true,
jsxImportSource: "solid-js",
providerImportSource: "solid-mdx",
mdxOptions: {
rehypePlugins: [[rehypeRaw, { passThrough: nodeTypes }]],
remarkPlugins: [
disableImplicitReactImport: true,
includeJSDocInHover: true,
theme: "css-variables",
defaultCompilerOptions: {
allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true,
esModuleInterop: true,
target: "ESNext",
module: "ESNext",
lib: ["lib.dom.d.ts", "lib.es2015.d.ts"],
jsxImportSource: "solid-js",
jsx: "preserve",
types: ["vite/client"],
paths: {
"~/*": ["./src/*"],
I even updated to the newest versions of everything. Updated solid-start again, still doesn't work. console output in the mdx plugin is suppressed, how do you debug it? I found the solution: remarkPlugins/rehashPlugins need to be a level above mdxOptions!
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