SolidJS9mo ago

Create Effect not executing

the function getName is working fine and shows the name of the person with id 1 after fetching it from my database but this code doesnt log anything to console not even the debug console.log("running") i did :
import { Database } from '~/types';
import { Kysely, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely';
import pkg from 'pg';
import { createEffect, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
const { Pool } = pkg;

const dialect = new PostgresDialect({
pool: new Pool({
database: 'db',
host: 'fakehost',
user: 'user',
port: 5432,
max: 10,
ssl: true,
password: 'password123',


const db = new Kysely<Database>({

async function getName(id: number) {
const x = await db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute();
await console.log(x[0].first_name) //does not execute or show anything
return x[0].first_name;

export default function Myperson() {

//getName(1) runs and log to the console 'Jhon' successfully but
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')
createEffect(() => {
(async () => {
console.log("Running") //does not execute or show anything
const nameResult = await getName(1);
return (
import { Database } from '~/types';
import { Kysely, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely';
import pkg from 'pg';
import { createEffect, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
const { Pool } = pkg;

const dialect = new PostgresDialect({
pool: new Pool({
database: 'db',
host: 'fakehost',
user: 'user',
port: 5432,
max: 10,
ssl: true,
password: 'password123',


const db = new Kysely<Database>({

async function getName(id: number) {
const x = await db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute();
await console.log(x[0].first_name) //does not execute or show anything
return x[0].first_name;

export default function Myperson() {

//getName(1) runs and log to the console 'Jhon' successfully but
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')
createEffect(() => {
(async () => {
console.log("Running") //does not execute or show anything
const nameResult = await getName(1);
return (
6 Replies
SaaaOP9mo ago
i changed the Myperson function like this and it still didnt work how should i modify the function in order for it to work ?
export default function Myperson() {
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')

return (
export default function Myperson() {
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')

return (
it shows undefined (the function is working and logging Jhon this time) it worked this way but I'm pretty sure that this is a low quality code I hope someone would fix it
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')

async function getName(id: number) {
const x = await db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute();
await console.log(x[0].first_name)
await setName(x[0].first_name);

export default function Myperson() {
return (
const [name , setName] = createSignal('Loading...')

async function getName(id: number) {
const x = await db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute();
await console.log(x[0].first_name)
await setName(x[0].first_name);

export default function Myperson() {
return (
bigmistqke9mo ago
createResource is your friend when doing async stuff: https://docs.solidjs.com/reference/basic-reactivity/create-resource
export default function Myperson(props) {
const [name] = createResource(() => props.id,
(id) => db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute()
return (
export default function Myperson(props) {
const [name] = createResource(() => props.id,
(id) => db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute()
return (
if you want to have a loading state: look at <Suspense/> https://docs.solidjs.com/reference/components/suspense
export default function Myperson(props) {
const [name] = createResource(() => props.id,
(id) => db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute()
return (
<Suspense fallback="loading...">
export default function Myperson(props) {
const [name] = createResource(() => props.id,
(id) => db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , id).execute()
return (
<Suspense fallback="loading...">
createResource is a very powerful primitive!
SaaaOP9mo ago
I tried the following code (with id value 1 to test) but page /myperson shows loading then undefined (even without suspense it doesnt work)
export default function Myperson() {
const [name] = createResource(() =>
db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , 1).execute()
return (
<Suspense fallback="loading...">
export default function Myperson() {
const [name] = createResource(() =>
db.selectFrom('person').selectAll().where("id" , "=" , 1).execute()
return (
<Suspense fallback="loading...">
bigmistqke9mo ago
Can u log the result in an effect? Like createEffect(() => console.log(name()))
REEEEE9mo ago
Is this a solid start project?
bigmistqke9mo ago
True, should that db-call happen on the server? I m unfamiliar w kysely

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