Using CSR mode, got asset error when there is a new build
I have a SolidStart project configured to use Client-side rendering (set
in vite.config.js) and deployed to Google Cloud.
When there is a new deploy, the new bundle is generated with new hash. The browser is using the old bundle, so when I change pages, I got the bundle error as attached.
What can I do to solve this?4 Replies
Have you tried to invalidate the cache?
This can only happen if the index page is cached itself - vite will always generate new hashes for bundle to avoid cache issues. There should be a way to disable caching just for the page that loads the bundle on the Google Cloud - Netlify uses headers for this.
A meta tag should work also
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-store" />
Thanks, I tried adding these and it worked
Now, let's see what those values mean.
Stack Overflow
How to make index.html not to cache when the site contents are chan...
Normally for .js and .css file we will append a version during build like
xx.js?v=123, and then after website deploy, we can get the new version of js and CSS. But I don't see a place talking about...
Pragma is old HTTP 1.0 spec
I think