Component doesn't react to changes in Signal

Hi! So I'm not sure why but my component is not reacting when a Signal changes. The signal is defined globally:
export const [authState, setAuthState] = createSignal<AuthState | null>(null);
export const isAuthenticated = () => authState() !== null;
export const [authState, setAuthState] = createSignal<AuthState | null>(null);
export const isAuthenticated = () => authState() !== null;
This is my App.tsx file:
const App: Component = () => {
createEffect(() => {

return (
<div class={styles.App}>
isAuthenticated: {JSON.stringify(isAuthenticated())} | authState: {JSON.stringify(authState(), null, 2)}

<Show when={isAuthenticated()}>
<p>Authenticated with id {authState()!.id}</p>

<AuthForm />
const App: Component = () => {
createEffect(() => {

return (
<div class={styles.App}>
isAuthenticated: {JSON.stringify(isAuthenticated())} | authState: {JSON.stringify(authState(), null, 2)}

<Show when={isAuthenticated()}>
<p>Authenticated with id {authState()!.id}</p>

<AuthForm />
The Signal is set in some event handler from a third-party library. The effect runs and prints the new authState when it updates, but the actual component/markup itself just refuses to update it. I tried directly calling setAuthState and that somehow works, but inside a timeout or a third-party event handler, it doesn't. Any clues?
1 Reply
ringsigOP2y ago
Never mind it appears to be an issue with the third-party library. It somehow breaks reactivity in my entire app

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