SolidJS•2mo ago

create example solidstart project takes forever

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7 Replies
Deflaktor•2mo ago
the creating project step is taking forever and Im not sure how to get some meaningful output
peerreynders•2mo ago
What's your platform information, i.e. OS. bun being the youngest runtime also means it's the highest risk across all platforms ; have you tried pnpm create solid instead?
Tommypop•2mo ago
Maybe try forcing version 0.5.11 when creating: bun create solid@0.5.11. (I removed the use of a function that wasn't implemented in bun and node 18) Bun did implement this function here: https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/pull/11392, but there hasn't been a release yet so updating bun likely won't work
Birk Skyum
Birk Skyum•2mo ago
you can try using the latest main branch with bun upgrade --canary
Deflaktor•2mo ago
sorry for late reply. Im on Linux Mint 21.3. Neither the bun upgrade --canary nor the bun create solid@0.5.11 resolved the issue. It still is a never ending process when creating the project. pnpm create solid yields:
$ pnpm create solid
`3:s,d:!1,i:0,c:{}});}if(l=u[i],l.t!==s&&!(s===1&&l.t===3)||(s===2&&(l.d||(l.d=!0,o[i]=[]),o[i].push(o={}),l.c[l.i++]=l={t:1,d:!1,i:0,c:{}}),l.d))return null;if(l.d=!0,s===1)o=c?o[i]:o[i]={};else if(s===0&&c)return null;return [i,o,l.c]}function aC(t){let e={},r={},s=e,o=r;for(let u=(0, O1.skipVoid)(t,0);u<t.length;){if(t[u]==="["){let i=t[++u]==="[",c=(0, Bf.parseKey)(t,u+=+i,"]");if(i){if(t[c[1]-1]!=="]")throw new Li.TomlError("expected end of table declaration",{toml:t,ptr:c[1]-1});c[1]++;}let l=Rf(c[0],e,r,i?2:1);if(!l)throw new Li.TomlError("trying to redefine an already defined table or value",{toml:t,ptr:u});o=l[2],s=l[1],u=c[1];}else {let i=(0, Bf.parseKey)(t,u),c=Rf(i[0],s,o,0);if(!c)throw new Li.TomlError("trying to redefine an already defined table or value",{toml:t,ptr:u});let l=(0, uC.extractValue)(t,i[1]);c[1][c[0]]=l[0],u=l[1];}if(u=(0, O1.skipVoid)(t,u,!0),t[u]&&t[u]!==`

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:133:18)
at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:42:21)
$ pnpm create solid
`3:s,d:!1,i:0,c:{}});}if(l=u[i],l.t!==s&&!(s===1&&l.t===3)||(s===2&&(l.d||(l.d=!0,o[i]=[]),o[i].push(o={}),l.c[l.i++]=l={t:1,d:!1,i:0,c:{}}),l.d))return null;if(l.d=!0,s===1)o=c?o[i]:o[i]={};else if(s===0&&c)return null;return [i,o,l.c]}function aC(t){let e={},r={},s=e,o=r;for(let u=(0, O1.skipVoid)(t,0);u<t.length;){if(t[u]==="["){let i=t[++u]==="[",c=(0, Bf.parseKey)(t,u+=+i,"]");if(i){if(t[c[1]-1]!=="]")throw new Li.TomlError("expected end of table declaration",{toml:t,ptr:c[1]-1});c[1]++;}let l=Rf(c[0],e,r,i?2:1);if(!l)throw new Li.TomlError("trying to redefine an already defined table or value",{toml:t,ptr:u});o=l[2],s=l[1],u=c[1];}else {let i=(0, Bf.parseKey)(t,u),c=Rf(i[0],s,o,0);if(!c)throw new Li.TomlError("trying to redefine an already defined table or value",{toml:t,ptr:u});let l=(0, uC.extractValue)(t,i[1]);c[1][c[0]]=l[0],u=l[1];}if(u=(0, O1.skipVoid)(t,u,!0),t[u]&&t[u]!==`

SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.'
at Loader.moduleStrategy (internal/modules/esm/translators.js:133:18)
at async link (internal/modules/esm/module_job.js:42:21)
Am I the only one with this problem? 😄
Tommypop•2mo ago
@Deflaktor What node version are you on?
Deflaktor•2mo ago
v12.22.9 thanks that was the issue I was on an ancient nodejs version
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