How to use svg file as component??

I have a lot of svg files (.svg) I want to import it as Solid component. Is there solid primitives? Please don't tell me to use any kind of unknown developers plugins. I want to try official ways.
2 Replies
bigmistqke2y ago
I don't think there is an official way, but there is
GitHub - jfgodoy/vite-plugin-solid-svg: Vite plugin to Import SVG f...
Vite plugin to Import SVG files as Solid.js Components - GitHub - jfgodoy/vite-plugin-solid-svg: Vite plugin to Import SVG files as Solid.js Components
bigmistqke2y ago
I see foxpro made some PRs for it and they r really active on this server. If u don't wanna rely on a vite plugin I assume u could always just change the extension to jsx and export the svg, since svg is valid HTML.

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