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All posts for Signal K
Release v2.13.1 · SignalK/signalk-server
signalk no longer seeing nk2 messages af...
Here's the device list right now. Seems
METS 2024
chart conversion
Freeboard-SK v2.8.4
Freeboard-SK v2.8.1
Freeboard-SK v2.8.0
Release v2.8.0 · SignalK/signalk-server
signalk-to-mongodb version 2.1.1
Just released
I'm working on a QT application acting
doug kimmerly - npm link issue . I just starte...
David Sanner - Bug or odd behavior w/ Data Brow...
Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...
Might be worth including this in the
Владимир Калачихин - Am I correct in understand...
Teppo Kurki - fyi [2.13.0-beta.0 build running]...
Jason_SV.Apres|Hunter336|WI - Has anyone ever h...
PaddyB - Quick one, is there a sort of overview...
itkujo - SignalK RPI5 Pro Marine Case. I want t...
itkujo - SignalK - and others - intergr...
Teppo Kurki - i was thinking of working on the ...
Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...
AdrianP - Controlling PyPilot via Autopilot API...
naugehyde - Server code has gotten cruftyThe ...
PaddyB - Broke the server.. I added a udp conne...
HansT - When I read updates of websocket, the $...
gregy - type error meta can anyone make sense...
PaddyB - Getting this error in the server log, ...
gregy - documentation is there a thread for r...
PaddyB - not sure where this should live, serve...
David Sanner - meta data & zones issue: I have...
gregy - units for paths in skIm aware that sk...
David Sanner - zones & notifications: what are ...
gregy - stale data pathsis there are reccomen...
Scott Bender - wtf?
Teppo Kurki - @AdrianP fyi I force pushed serve...
gregy - update reminderschecked the FAQ (befo...
David Sanner - Looking at signalk-audio-notific...
Jason_SV.Apres|Hunter336|WI - my Signalk server...
Andy_Y - Could I possibly missuse "source prior...
Andy_Y - Good morning! Is there a way to filter...
MV 2 Umbrellas - Can someone tell me if this is...
Andréas Schütz - Just some "praise and glory"; ...
mgrouch - If I unplug ethernet and disconnect f...
mgrouch - App Store doesn’t show list of instal...
Phil Dolling - Not sure this is the right place...
Ilker - @Scott Bender does anchor alarm announc...
DWinchester - What has happened, When I tried ...
mpvader - Per the latest Venus OS beta versions...
David Godin - Installation question. What deter...
blohminator - Any Idea how I can identify the E...
barnaclebill - I have a fresh install of pypilo...
ray_sabado - This is a Raspberry Pi install. ...
joshgraff - Updating offline or metered install...
ReefTheMain - I'm running into a problem during...
Sailabout - Wanting to create a gauge with zone...
David Godin - While refreshing my SK boat insta...
David Godin - OpenAPI with Chromium IssueNot s...
AdrianP - I've noticed that RMB sentence proces...
irjudson - I'm getting a bunch of bad MMSI's, b...
petsi - The server gives this error log. How I ...
Matti Airas - Signal K server exposes a hard-co...
David Godin - Meta issue
Raffaele Montella - Anyone is using an Apple Si...
David Godin - Wind angle questionI see in the ...
Andréas Schütz - Hi!(here comes some naggy ran...
Teppo Kurki - We can naturally improve the prot...
Teppo Kurki - @santino1919 would be interested ...
barnaclebill - Can SK send in Actisense format ...
Tony - Is it necessary to have a checksum in a ...
mgrouch - I have a feature request. Can SignalK...
irjudson - Q: Can I passive copy data from an o...
irjudson - Q: GPS distance from Bow
David Godin - Apr 05 23:20:15 signalk-server ru...
nimblewillo - Hmm, I'm finding signalk as a doc...
gregy - oh crap… i hate the discord “UI” … didn...
gregy - ooops i missed something obviously
Scott Bender - Make sure you read the threads @...
gregy - not sure the question.Youncan use “pat...
Tony - Is it possible to do transformations bef...
Session Management
Copprhead - In '.signalk' I have a 'resources' ...
Copprhead - When I load the SK server GUI in an...
PR review apps in
Freeboard-SK Grib files
bt-sensors-plugin-sk Victron Battery Sense no temperature
bt-sensors-plugin-sk Not seeing Orion charger
hwt901b-plugin error: Resource temporarily unavailable
RPI4 wifi hotspot network manager connection issues -ESP32 won't connect at all.
Slow replay of nmea-0183 log file
Multiple instances of node-red (Signalk)
Reading GPS from a hat 9 (UART or i2c)?
Newbie wants to talk to a canbus network
Under the Connection & Plugin Status, Venus ID, error "No authentication methods left to try"
Dump raw n2k data possible?
Unable to update from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1
Plugin no longer shown in the Appstore
Configuring SignalK-Venus plugin
How to begin debugging Seatalk?
After update to 2.13 and node update to 23.7, node-red does not load.
On a Victron Easy Solar GX2 should an RS485 <> USB adapter show up in Settings > General > IO?
Best way to create an alarm state
How to access node red dashboard without having to log in through signalk first.
Struggling to get node red data into Kip
Installing updates using appstore
Image folder for images for node red dashboard
Can someone talk me through Kip boolean control panel --> node red
Node red Dashboard
SignalK log files filled partition... (Victron Venus install)
Setting up Kip for different devices
Code error
Sending test data to NMEA0183
Trying to us GPIO in Node Red on Pi 5 has trashed my signalk
nmea0183 over TCP-victron ekranos nothing seen
Node red not loading
Help with Converting Energy Meter Data to NMEA 2000 PGNs
Signal K not getting my Seatalk1 stream via GPIO on PI5
Alarms from zones & hysteresis
Slow output from signalk-to-nmea0183
Signal K Error Processing RMB message
SignalK and microPython
Transmitting from Navionics/Boating App back to NMEA devices
ewelink/sonoff issues
Rookie question: N2K network data not showing on Signal K running on Victron GX device
Path not showing in signalK Data browser
is the iKommunicate the only commertially avail SK server with built in NMEA hardware interfaces?
List of available hardware devices, open source and proprietary hardware.
Subscriptions to paths of "defaults" source don't receive updates
Simulate N2K Sensors
OpenCollective - Known CC issues?
Gracefully shutdown OS utilizing SignalK
Server stopped logging.
Collecting data from Furuno SC-70
WilhelmSK on IOS error
NMEA to Serial to SignalK
navigation track
Data Connections
Data translation
is there a reference key for mast rotation?
Signalk on Pi Zero 2w install hangs.
Navigation data to MFD
KIP Tank Contents
SIgnalK Logs Timestamp Sources
Data refresh issue when connected to AP/HotSpot
Generating signalk json from saved captures
WilmhelmSK on Apple Watch
Update freeboard
AIS Target
How do I delete SignalK logs after downloading them
Unable to restart server
Can't view the UI at after installing SensESP
Is there a way to hook up SignalK to networked Garmin plotters?
plugin Venus on Sk on Os venus Large
Remote debugging in V3.0?
12v breaker panel keys
Old B&G sensors to SignalK
language packs
DC Load - Data input nit available
Watermaker PGNs in wich path to find?
Can adaptor issue
Metadata via api 2.11
Errors and out of ideas,
SignalK cloud
SensESP OTA Updates thru VPN
displaying SignalK data on 3" tft screen... has anyone done this?
Linux Mint Install
OpenSeaMap min zoom level
Stale / Old Data
Cerbo GX or Pi with Venus OS?
n2k Heading True Derived Data
Incomplete N2K PGN 126996
New user help
Make Signal K listen to IP
Windy plugin needs wind.directionGround
Performance limits of Raspi4
Signalk behind reverse proxy Nginx
starlink monitoring
SensESP Wifi Configuration
No data from can to SignalK
Issues to connect to the SignalK server
Access plugin over wifi
Garmin EchoMap Plus 43cv
pilote NAC 3 B&G
Android app for SignalK: OceanIX?
help with Serial connection conflicts
Signalk Icon on B&G Zeus
What's listening on 10110 and why?
Signalk gps to nmea2000
Control Garmin Autopilot from WilhelmSK
Signal K Autopilot Responsivness
Report own AIS data to Marine Traffic
Trying but failing to use serial by-id in Docker
Data connection manual
type error app.reportOutputMessages
Yacht device to SignialK help
influxdb plugin - first attempts
Navarea Warnings / METAREA Warnings
Possible to create AtoNs with SignalK API?
Shunts that support SignalK?
filter duplicates out for outbound connections
signal k appstore thinks its offline all of a sudden
Can I change the width of the instruments in Freeboard?
Wasn't it possible to "Save as" in Instrumentpanel before?
Trouble connecting to my seayak
Publishing to the app store
Random changes in boat name
Design question
naivegpxlogger does not write gpx-files
Anchor alarm: typo in bow height property, no depth saved?
ZigBee Devices
Continous security requests....
Is it possible to get maps in an easier way than MapBox?
SK / Node Red / Digital Switching Maretron DCR-100
Hi all
What's the sudo password for the Docker container?
B&G Performance plugin
inject data?
Garmin Quatix - is it possible to integrate without Garmin infrastructure?
What’s a good nmea0183 multiplexer
Unable to connect to GPSD on another Pi in Bridge mode
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
Derived Data - SetDrift - Drift Calculation, Magnetic vs true
Data and path manipulation ?
is it important to enter an UUID in Vessel base data (when not having a MMSI)?
Can SignalK be used as WiFi NMEA gateway for mobile apps
Occasionally wrong positions for AIS targets
CAN works, then don't!
Hosting InfluxDB
NMEA 2000 Fast Packet errors
m/s to knots
Can Not Update to 2.8.3
optocoupler question
SignalK to Node Red
convert s57 NOAA data using s57-tiler
Minimum hardware requirements?
Derived Data issue
Socketcan Error after latest Update
Define a specific order, by which plugins receive deltas?
SignalK server on Windows
smoothing of apparent wind data
is Seatalk 1 Gauge illumination level captured by the current Seatalk 1 plugin?
How to get data from a JK BMS
SK install on node 22.5.0?
cannot get nmea2000 data from can0
NMEA 2000 configuration for Yamaha F150 outboards
World Coastal Map for Freeboard
Autopilot -> Shipmodule N2K -> signalK
signalk-derived-data plugin is a mess
SignalK binds only to ipv6
how much memory RAM SignalK uses
Multiple Signal K servers sharing all data
Looking for influxb example
setting the n2k device name of signalk on the n2k network
link plugin & file ownership; best practices
signalK scheduler?
Boat photos
Cannot get data from PyPilot into SignalK?
New version of plugin not showing up in updates
Is it posible to control NMEA0183 Autopilot with Signalk?
AIS vessel names
Question regarding Freeboard
Multiple session on N2K?
How does source priority work?
B&G Performance Plugin
What do yellow vessel names mean in Freeboard?
Multiplexing Seatalk
Restart Signalk when can01 is "lost"
canName question. Is there a way to relate the canName to a human readable name?
No SignalK on N2K
How to setup an NMEA0183 OUT with NMEA2000 on can0
Distributed Signal K (New User)
Generate Notification from "True" "False"
sk-to-nmea2000: Battery state of charge missing on n2k side?
How to send PGN from SK?
node-red to signal K for 4G RSSI from router
signalk-server / signalk-openweather-plugin / no connection to openweather
How do I enable more debugging information in SK Server?
Why do I have two different speeds over ground?
Is there an app to feed an Android device location data from Signal K?
app.subscriptionmanager ?
signalk roadmap
Need some help debugging code for Ultrasonic Tank Sensor
FreeboardSK Alarms?
Is "S57-tiler" able to convert IENC's too?
gust monitoring/short term historical data?
cpu load signalk on cerbo gx high
signalk to nmea2000 - PGN130316 support?
Understanding correct paths /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/<RegExp>/revolutions
Signal k NMEA0183 output
what is the fastes way to backup signalk including plugins?
Subscription to server status
Help setting up influxdb2 with signalk
Export position data as gpx
Help Posting Values to SK
Sleipner (aka Side-Thrust) bow thruster support?
Victron IP67 / VictronConnect
Theme Engine
N2K libraries?
Venus Plugin stopping on CerboGX V3.30 / SK 2.50
/vessels/<RegExp>/navigation/state path
Eniro / skippo
How to connect NMEA0183 to rpi
engine RPM with pigpio library (edit: forget about pigpio)
Notification mechanism between plugins
Daily Trip Logs
Help troubleshooting Seatalk, autopilot errors for a relatively new user.
proprietary sentences?
Signal K and Raymarine Raynet (Ethernet)
Magnetic Variation & headingTrue
signalk-logbook watch changes
What is the meaning of the environment/wind/angleTrueGround ?
N2K connectors
How important is galvanic isolation?
Are there any keys to provide information on bilge pump activations or high water activations?
VHW sentence creation from signalk data
0183 heading
Backup of Kip from CerboGX to PC
How do I determine if there is a courseOverGroundMagnetic?
heading info
How to send Grafana alerts to SignalK
Connection between only 2 NMEA2000 devices
True wind, speed & direction.
Connecting NMEA 2000 to Signal K server?
I don't understand what you are meaning
This is already technically there....the
Donixon - Hi everyone, were using signal-k with...
Ilker - Hey @Scott Bender , in pathmapper plugi...
Olly - Hey all, wanted to let the community kno...
AdrianP - @Scott Bender FYI have created a PR f...
Aswin - Does the plugin Config of the signalK s...
Aswin - Hi, My plugins come with a webApp. Ever...
Anchor alarm
AdrianP - @Scott Bender I have created a PR f...
Greg Young - @Scott Bender anchor alarm plugin...
Teppo Kurki - @AdrianP what are these? i've nev...
Koenraad de Haas - I tried the NMEA 2000 Debugg...
HansT - @Teppo Kurki Asking here for others to ...
Tony - Is there a plugin to keep state after re...
Aswin - Finishing my advanced wind plugin.My a...
AdrianP - Do you have "allow read only access" ...
Aswin - Webapp only getting data when I am logg...
Raffaele Montella - I'm writing a plugin to man...
Владимир Калачихин - Is there a way to determin...
barnaclebill - Question for @Aswin, although it...
petsi - whats new in signalk-polar-performance-...
Greg Young - @Ilker signalk-windy pluginupda...
Aswin - How to handle duplicate paths? My advan...
steveberl - Has anyone gone through the process...
Aswin - I published a new plugin that calculate...
petsi - there is a signalk plugin or button to ...
Aswin - Location of wind sensor. I would like t...
PaddyB - I've lost sun & moon times, sure there...
Scott Bender - Also, the applicationData stuff?
async restart
Aswin - More questions on my nmea-streamer plug...
Aswin - help needed on the architecture of my p...
Aswin - When I create a new plugin, what is the...
chris - Hi guys, I have a question regarding th...
petsi - Now we have lay lines in freeboard sign...
Greg Young - teltonika plugin erroranyone els...
Kees - Anyone experience building plugin for bo...
petsi - What plugin do you use to save sailing ...
Lille Ø - I'm writing a client that needs to ta...
Teppo Kurki - Exposing login state in cookie to...
naugehyde - A problem with usb3 and Bluetooth L...
petsi - bt-sensors-plugin-sk This plugin cand d...
steveberl - "InfluxDB returned error: unauthori...
steveberl - I'm having a lot of problems trying...
x4y5z6 - Shelly plugin of @Scott Bender & visu...
Phil Dolling - Looking at the polar plugin/apps...
naugehyde - Little help! Is there any way to ge...
David Sanner - Beta testers (windows?) I'm ab...
naugehyde - Hi all. I'm looking for Beta tester...
gregy - “discovering” plugins the number of p...
gregy - teltonika pluginJust updated RUTx11 F...
ray_sabado - We've found that the Pushover plug...
ray_sabado - Is there a way to get Freeboard to...
lari - @Scott Bender : In regards to signalk-n2...
barnaclebill - Is there a plugin that will allo...
gregy - anchor alarm plugin@Scott Bender ju...
AdrianP - Resources are exposed via the V2 http...
Владимир Калачихин - The http://localhost:3000/...
Donixon - @AdrianP morning! The new Freeboard l...
Chisburgers - Hi All, im running the signal k a...
joshgraff - Freeboard-sk offline maps? Is the...
gregy - derived data - source selectioni have...
David Godin - Shelly pluginHi. I’m looking for...
håvard - I’m failing to connect to signalk clou...
petsi - Anybody can help me to configure weathe...
Teppo Kurki - Freeboard ais target display
Matti Airas - I played with Freeboard route bui...
Matti Airas - I feel a bit dumb, but how on ear...
David Godin - Issue with Polar Performance. For...
David Godin - ah, found it! Enabling Derived Da...
David Godin - Setting up Performance pluginI'v...
AdrianP - @Donixon thank you for your feedback....
Donixon - Freeboard Feature RequestHi all! Qu...
irjudson - getting two errors: 1 - signalk-n2k,...
Copprhead - How can I get Freeboard to show AIS...
irjudson - Q: What plugin (or not?) provides we...
petsi - Freeboard Signalk plugin question. What...
irjudson - Q: Anyone seeing any outtage with th...
Lure - Any user of signalk-logbook plugin? I ha...
barnaclebill - It appears that I have a valid c...
barnaclebill - I noticed that SK-to-N2K plugin ...
irjudson - Question: anyone seen this error:Ap...
ReefTheMain - question about signalk-speed-wind...
David Godin - Zone Meta QuestionHow can I get ...
David Godin - Notifications plugin question:I ...
Willem - Hello, quick question: is there a way ...
irjudson - YAY; "Batteries (kip) includede!" - ...
irjudson - Q: I swear I saw a list of "the most...
Roger - Quick question, is there a way to use s...
LinnJS - Hello everyone I am trying to setup a ...
HansT - To not overload my LifePO4 battery, I'd...
Kees - Using the ais forwarder plugin i am send...
irjudson - Q2: Any magic installing influxdb2? ...
irjudson - newbie question: I have freeboard-SK...
Adam - Just FYI, Openweather has deprecated the...
Kees - @HansT is it possible to limit amount of...
Teppo Kurki - anybody interested in creating a ...
David Godin - Is there a quick setup guide for ...
Jörgen - Just wondering if there is anything ne...
Jörgen - Is there any way to get unparsed nmea2...
Copprhead - I'm used to using degrees/decimal m...
Copprhead - Freeboard asks me to sign in every ...
Copprhead - How can I add a waypoint from a plu...
Rhumb Runner - Course Provider plugin seems to ...
AdrianP - Freeboard-SK v2.6.0 beta with support...
Roger - I'm trying to set up leeway using the D...
ray_sabado - Is Hans here? I have a couple que...
problem starting development
chris - Was just wondering, why there are "thum...
Jörgen - I'd like to help with support for Garm...
Kees - Hey @Scott Bender are there any plans/id...
Roger - Is there a plugin that will remember th...
Kees - For the HALMET; if I lets say i want to ...
Kees - Is there a repositor with examples on us...
Raffaele Montella - Any experience with inexpen...
Tony - Has anyone figured out a reliable and du...
mgrouch - Announcing availability of Bareboat N...
blohminator - I have installed a Lidar sensor a...
Caribsailor - Lost all Victron BLE data after s...
motamman - When using an I2C multiplexor, how d...
motamman - I posted this on the Arduino group b...
big__col - Me Halmet and SH-WG are both trying ...
mgrouch - I designed a boat heave sensor. It us...
motamman - I have been happily coding various s...
ab19 - Hi… I have a newbie question.. If I conn...
DWinchester - I have an sensesp coding question...
barnaclebill - Has anyone found a flow meter th...
big__col - Is this error anything to be concern...
big__col - Bilge counter setup question. Hi al...
juans#0046 - Hi, I bought this tachometer for m...
DWinchester - Can someone point me to example s...
ray_sabado - We have a generator that only has ...
mshulman - Does anyone have a CAN to USB device...
big__col - I cant get N2K data into my SK serve...
barnaclebill - Any recommendations for a way to...
vokkim - Also been having problems uploading Pl...
vokkim - Having problems with SensESP and N2K c...
Tony - What’s a good Hall effect type sensor fo...
Tony - @Matti Airas I need serial on the HALMET...
Roger - @Matti Airas, is there a way to measure...
Kees - @Matti Airas not sure if it's the right ...
nimblewillo - I'm thinking it's not, but is the...
nimblewillo - Anyone built an anchor chain coun...
nimblewillo - Has anyone looked at using temper...
irjudson - if you had a usb hub you'd have a te...
irjudson - I mean, why not
nimblewillo - I'm thinking of grabbing one of t...
Tony - I would like to use esp32 to read NMEA 0...
big__col - I want to capture data from the engi...
PaddyB - Not really a signalk issue but latest ...
DWinchester - I am having to rebuild all my sen...
Tony - I am going to prototype digital switchin...
Timberwolf - What do I need to do to interface ...
Johnathan B - HiCould someone point me in the ...
Tony - I have been reviewing flood sensors late...
Adam - I have an ST60 Multi at the nav station ...
Adam - Does anyone know why when I connect to t...
Tony - Has anyone programmed an air sensor? I a...
Tony - @Matti Airas Does the HALMET PCB support...
Roger - I’m looking at doing a project to use a...
Tony - I have been iterating on humidity and te...
Tony - Shout out to @mairas for including heade...
Sailabout - Has somebody any experience with th...
I recently (yesterday) hooked up my SH-
Tony - Is there a way to capture PGNs and debug...
Scott Bender - I’ve got sails up right now, I c...
Scott Bender - Obviously related to recent chan...
Teppo Kurki - @Scott Bender any idea why this i...
barnaclebill - Does anyone have an example (may...
barnaclebill - What is the maximum rate at whic...
Tony - Is there a standard in NMEA 2000 for cha...
Craig - I have an engine coolant sensor which I...
barnaclebill - I'm having an odd problem. Here'...
A.R. - I am writing a flow that can generate a ...
Claeszv - I am struggeling wih this flow. It se...
Dirk SV MOIN - Hi, I am new to Node Red and how...
Ed - When some new installed module's documenta...
ray_sabado - I'm guessing this is super basic b...
Andy_Y - anyone using input-handler and input-h...
big__col - I'm getting low response when loadin...
naugehyde - I wrote a plugin that registers a P...
Lure - Is there a way to set timezone for SK em...
big__col - Hi all, how can I view a Node Red da...
gregy - Backup.i know i asked this before .. a...
gregy - send Notification there anyway...
petsi - I have create this node-red flow. It ta...
Timberwolf - How do i clear a notification in N...
Henry - This turned out ok in the end, getting ...
Henry - I'm quite please that I've managed to g...
Kees - i want to connect to dbus of victron dbu...
Copprhead - My alarm flows are working almost f...
Copprhead - Notifications in Node-RED: I'm play...
PaddyB - Would this be a good place to share so...
Greg Young - @Scott Bender WSK layouts & templ...
Tony - Is there a way to apply a formula? This ...
Greg Young - from memory.. wsk can recieve and ...
Greg Young - image0.jpg
Greg Young - have you done a request admin toke...
Greg Young - push notifications, anchor alarm, ...
Greg Young - rudder angle guageyes this is a k...
Claeszv - A momentary push button would be real...
Greg Young - new guages you asked a while bac...
Greg Young - my new Ipad Pro is now notifying t...
Scott Bender - Anyone have any cool ideas for n...
Tony - I have not been able to configure compli...
Greg Young - anchor watch guage…am i correct t...
Scott Bender - Also, any graphic artists out th...
Scott Bender - I am working on this "Anchor" ga...
Tony - Is there a panel I can use to map values...
Tony - For the widgets settings I noticed there...
naugehyde - The warning came from FullSignalk n...
Greg Young - error?
Scott Bender - I am starting testing on the nex...
Scott Bender - Anyone interested on test the ne...
Scott Bender - Build 308 out today. Lots of und...
gregy - build 299since this installed, im get...
Scott Bender - Beta build 291 is out1
Scott Bender - New beta build:Sorry! If you h...
gregy - rudder angle guagecomparing WSK rudde...
gregy - have got the two swift packages install...
Tony - Is there a better pattern for multiple S...
Tony - Finally decided to install WilhelmSk acr...
Scott Bender - Introducing Widgets!
gregy - @Scott Bender wsk “custom” guages I ...
Scott Bender - TestFlight version 1.17.0 of Wil...
gregy - notificationsin WSK notifications tab...
Andy_Y - Would it be possible to make a combine...
DWinchester - How does one display anchor rode ...
gregy - @Scott Bender “i also ,have a new layo...
gregy - in the layout & template editor, you dr...
Scott Bender - Thread above @gregy
gregy - when starting wsk, it defaults to the l...
DWinchester - When wilhelm starts how does one ...
gregy - deleting a custom templatescott - how...
DWinchester - Is there a beginners guide to bui...
Scott Bender - @DavidK Please use the thread a...
Scott Bender - 1.16.2 is out
gregy - IMG2800.png
gregy - attempt at a template to include smart ...
gregy - .. and deleting the wrong custom .. has...
gregy - footnote on my WLED related switch bank...
gregy - split view . nope.features.Do you ha...
Scott Bender - Does anyone use WilhelmSk in “sp...
Scott Bender - 1.16.1 coming soon. Any bugs fix...
gregy - IMG2760.jpg
gregy - appleTV footnote.bought one of these f...
Scott Bender - Unless there are any objections,...
gregy - WSK switch with LEDi have this setup,...
gregy - appleTV - had to manuaaly delete older...
Scott Bender - I can definitely use more tester...
Scott Bender - I’m releasing a 1.16 TestFlight ...
Scott Bender - Sorry everyone, WilhelmSK has be...
ChrisCraft47 - With a switch bank, where are th...
Kees - Is it possible to share Layout across di...
Kees - Is there also support for using Multi Sw...
mshulman - @Scott Bender hi Scott, I'm having t...
gregy - @Scott Bender … i saw the updated wsk t...
Tony - Does anyone have a sketch on deep sleep ...
sailingYOLO - I often (many times a week) get:...
Kees - I am trying to get a bilge alarm from HA...
Ed - I'm trying to rebuild a V2 project to V3....
MattNJ - so, im using a few 1wire temp sensors.
Jason_SV.Apres|Hunter336|WI - I am just coming ...
sailingYOLO - Hi guys.This code works well ex...
sailingYOLO - Hi,I'm trying to get engine run...
onlytiebowline - Heads up that there are issues...
MattNJ - Hi, be gentle, im new to this! I have ...
motamman - Esp32-c6 Arduino support, in a manne...
barnaclebill - Can anyone point me to an exampl...
sailingYOLO - Hi. I have a simple bilge sensor ...
Greg Young - Help with sensESP code ..please 🙂...
Greg Young - sensESP V3 decided to give V3 an...
Matti Airas - @rszemeti : Yeah, PR would be gre...
Greg Young - trying to update older but working...
Matti Airas - And here comes!I just released ...
Matti Airas - Upcoming changes to SensESP: Refa...
FlyingK - Got my test setup up and running. Tha...
FlyingK - I am struggling with the ObservableVa...
FlyingK - I had some time to start testing Sens...
Matti Airas - Hey all, sorry about my relative ...
barnaclebill - Has anyone found an accurate com...
MattNJ - hello, new to this today, steep learni...
Tony - Does anyone have sample code to sense vo...
Matti Airas - User Offspring (on GitHub, don) h...
desolinanz - Hi, hoping someone can help me... ...
MV 2 Umbrellas - anyone know if the sensesp lib...
MV 2 Umbrellas - I have been poking around the ...
MV 2 Umbrellas - hello folks ... I am working o...
Matti Airas - Hi all,I have now merged the de...
DWinchester - Sill looking for example with ADS...
DWinchester - Can someone point me to an exampl...
ray_sabado - We are adding three sensors to our...
Roger - Is there some way to set the ip address...
Roger - @Matti Airas I have OTA updates enable...
Matti Airas - It starts only after the delay. Y...
FlyingK - QQ: does a repeat sensor have to be c...
FlyingK - First of all thank you much for the g...
Matti Airas - Here's a sneak peek of something ...
Matti Airas - For those who are interested in S...
Lure - Newbie in SensESP world: I have successf...
Matti Airas - I've been using a helper script t...
MV 2 Umbrellas - been fiddling with this stuff ...
barnaclebill - Has anyone successfully used an ...
nimblewillo - Is anyone using sensesp to create...
nimblewillo - is there a decent code reference?...
Craig - Can anyone help me with a some sample c...
gregy - sensESP token? expiryhave sensESP dev...
Roger - @Matti Airas, I have a problem with my ...