Signal K11mo ago

gust monitoring/short term historical data?

hey yall sorry for the probably dumb question. i have signalk running on my venus large installation (cerbo gx) and would like to have some ability to see historical wind data (doesnt have to be very long) and/or peak wind info -- anyone have recommendations that doesnt involve also running influx/grafana? I think that would be too much for the cerbo
5 Replies
ahhdemOP11mo ago
Just found this, going to give it a try hmm, i dont find this searching in the appstore. can anyone point me to info on installing from github?
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki11mo ago
I can find it just fine in the app store
ahhdemOP11mo ago
oh, weird. did you search for 'gusts', too? guess ill try again ahh, my search was default scoped to 'new/updated'
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki11mo ago
Time to update to the latest and the improved app store
ahhdemOP11mo ago
im on a cerbogx so i update when the large os updates (it may be updated, havent checked) well, that gust plugin is kind of shit. ive seen 20-25kts and more and it says 9.5 for 1min, 10.8 for 5 min and 11 for 1hr

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