IP Camera in Freeboard
TFTeSPI with SensEsp LilyGo T-HMI
node red settings in signalk - settings.js file doesn't work.
Freeboard-SK Grib files
bt-sensors-plugin-sk Victron Battery Sense no temperature
bt-sensors-plugin-sk Not seeing Orion charger
hwt901b-plugin error: Resource temporarily unavailable
RPI4 wifi hotspot network manager connection issues -ESP32 won't connect at all.
Slow replay of nmea-0183 log file
Multiple instances of node-red (Signalk)
Reading GPS from a hat 9 (UART or i2c)?
Newbie wants to talk to a canbus network
Under the Connection & Plugin Status, Venus ID, error "No authentication methods left to try"
Dump raw n2k data possible?
Unable to update from 2.13.0 to 2.13.1
Plugin no longer shown in the Appstore
Configuring SignalK-Venus plugin
How to begin debugging Seatalk?

After update to 2.13 and node update to 23.7, node-red does not load.
On a Victron Easy Solar GX2 should an RS485 <> USB adapter show up in Settings > General > IO?