Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












Claeszv - A momentary push button would be real...

A momentary push button would be really nice for more advanced switching/ dimming etc. also optional disabling “double click”/zoom function in gauges That’s all I want for Xmas 🎄...

Greg Young - new guages you asked a while bac...

new guages you asked a while back about “new guages” . i think i showed you below dashboard, which has multiple “devices” - with guages ...
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Greg Young - my new Ipad Pro is now notifying t...

my new Ipad Pro is now notifying that upgrade from IOS17.7 to 18.1, (recall there was some apple reason for not updating it when general 18.x was released) we discussed this a few weeks back.. anything WSK related i should watch for ?...

Scott Bender - Anyone have any cool ideas for n...

Anyone have any cool ideas for new gauges? I have run out!

Tony - I have not been able to configure compli...

I have not been able to configure complications for the watch. I have the watch app configured to horizontal scroll instruments configured in settings, but there is only one WSK complication available. Launching the watch app and viewing instruments work great. I would like to have a watch face that is essentially just time and WSK complications if possible

Greg Young - anchor watch guage…am i correct t...

anchor watch guage… am i correct that this is blank? untill anchor is dropped . (im just seeing a black screen when i add it to a layout)...

Scott Bender - Also, any graphic artists out th...

Also, any graphic artists out there? I need icons for the above and other places, an anchor, and a boat for starters. Need to be compatible with

Scott Bender - I am working on this "Anchor" ga...

I am working on this "Anchor" gauge. Mainly for the watch and iOS Widgets.
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Tony - Is there a panel I can use to map values...

Is there a panel I can use to map values? For example, numeric to Boolean, or numbers to text?

Tony - For the widgets settings I noticed there...

For the widgets settings I noticed there is a different list view for selecting a path from a connected server. Is this expected?

naugehyde - The warning came from FullSignalk n...

The warning came from FullSignalk not my plug-in. It occurs when an emitter object has more listeners than node js is configured for. In the past, the warning has cropped up from my plug-in owing to mishandled runtime errors, so if you see it associated with my plug-in, please let me know....

Greg Young - error?

error? just found this in my log Nov 05 20:10:28 (node:2020622) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 delta listeners added to [FullSignalK]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit (Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)...

Scott Bender - I am starting testing on the nex...

I am starting testing on the next version. First feature is ability to connect remotely to SK servers running on Victron Venus OS Large via VRM. If anyone is running that way, I would appreciate testers and feedback. Free version of WilhelmSK if you don't alread have it....

Scott Bender - Anyone interested on test the ne...

Anyone interested in testing the new watch app implementation? It is still a WIP and does not have as many features as the existing watch app, but does add gauge animations, widgets and watch complications....
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Scott Bender - Build 308 out today. Lots of und...

Build 308 out today. Lots of under the hood changes related to Control Center/Widgets/Shortcuts and Push Notifications. I would really appreciate feedback. ``` Sorry, if you have switch control center/widgets/shortcuts you will have to configure theam again! Hopefuly the last time! ...

gregy - build 299since this installed, im get...

build 299 since this installed, im getting some weird behaviour from a multi led/switch. its “oscillating” between two states. (off and a second state) ...

Scott Bender - Beta build 291 is out1

Beta build 291 is out ``` 1.17.0 build 291: * Fixed issues with widgets/shortcuts authenticating with the server...

Scott Bender - New beta build:Sorry! If you h...

New beta build: Sorry! If you have created any Widgets, you'll have to create them again. ```...

gregy - rudder angle guagecomparing WSK rudde...

rudder angle guage comparing WSK rudder angle guage to my Simrad MFD the “sign” appears opposite. eg when simrad says -1 degree, WSK display showing +1 degree....

gregy - have got the two swift packages install...

have got the two swift packages installed from github into swift playgrounds (IOS) - good so far now trying to edit /display - using your image on github as a guide … but seems i need a lot more swift playground tutorial watching:)...