Signal K


Signal K

Signal K is an ecosystem for free and open source universal marine data exchange and software.












blohminator - I have installed a Lidar sensor a...

I have installed a Lidar sensor at the top of our waste water tank to check the fill level and can read the fill level on the tank display. Now I want to send the data to the server via Wifi and SignalK. As I'm not an expert, I wanted to ask if someone could add the code for me. I use an ESP32 WROOM 32. Thanks in advance.

motamman - When using an I2C multiplexor, how d...

When using an I2C multiplexor, how do the pull up resistors affect the board? The microcontroller? I am connecting 8 INA260s to a TCA9548A multiplexor to an ESP32-C6. Individually, the INA260s work as expected but when all installed, they are a bit flaky. Is there a rule of thumb for calculating the total pull-up resistance threshold for a system?...

motamman - I posted this on the Arduino group b...

I posted this I2C MPU9250/imu Q on the Arduino group, but maybe some folks here might be able to help: I have a device that has the following components: 1. Beetle esp32-c6 (programmatically set SDA to GPIO 20, SCL to 19. RX to 21 and TX to 22.) 2. Beitain BE880 GPS connected to RX and TX pins. I am NOT using the internal compass. (TinyGPSPlus library:

big__col - Me Halmet and SH-WG are both trying ...

Me Halmet and SH-WG are both trying to connect to my Venus instance of SignalK, and not the usual instance. How can i stop this happening please??

mgrouch - I designed a boat heave sensor. It us...

I designed a boat heave sensor. It uses accelerometer and gyroscope and runs on esp32.
No description

motamman - I have been happily coding various s...

I have been happily coding various sensors with Arduino IDE using various flavors of the esp32-c6. I had originally intended to use micro or circuit python but they didn't work with the new esp32s when I started. (And I am not sure they do now.) But that's besides the point. I was very pleased with my signalk integration this sailing season. Recently, however, I thought I would give sensesp a looksee now that I was comfortable in the c++ sorta/Arduino world. So I ported some code over to platformio using vs code, only to discover the esp32-c6s that I use aren't supported by Arduino with platformio. ...

ab19 - Hi… I have a newbie question.. If I conn...

Hi… I have a newbie question.. If I connect HALMET to my circa '95 Yanmar engine’s senders, do I risk breaking signals to existing gauges? Is there amplification or signal boosting required? Trying to be cautious. Maybe overly so. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

DWinchester - I have an sensesp coding question...

I have an sensesp coding question. I started this project using hatlabs HALMET firmware code considerably modified only using the tank part of code that used the analog converter modual. In the original code a constant scale factor was set before the statement:...

barnaclebill - Has anyone found a flow meter th...

Has anyone found a flow meter that works on small (10HP/7.5kW) outboards (for fuel)? Most I've seen have a minimum LPM that's a lot higher than a small outboard consumes.

big__col - Is this error anything to be concern...

Is this error anything to be concerned about?? Resolving esp32dev dependencies... Platform Manager: Installing espressif32 Downloading 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Unpacking 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Platform Manager: [email protected] has been installed!...

big__col - Bilge counter setup question. Hi al...

Bilge counter setup question. Hi all, I'm using Halmet digital inputs to read when our bilge pumps activate. I have this data in SK and written out to an InfuxDB. I'm interested in other peoples solutions, but I also have these questions for my current solution please. Q1, how do i count the number of times the bilge runs and display in a graph, date vs times activated? Q2, the database seems to record the state of the bilge switch several times per second. I really only want to know when it activates and for how long Q3, what do people use for external alerting, SMS/EMAIL/push, and how you configured? i have permanent internet aboard Thanks, Colin...

juans#0046 - Hi, I bought this tachometer for m...

Hi, I bought this tachometer for my YANMAR 2GM20, everything works but the value is always 0. I connect one wire to D4 and the other to GND. I followed the example in SENSESP repository. The signal of the tachometer is sinusoidal. Acabo de encontrar este increíble artículo en AliExpress. ¡Échale un vistazo! ...

DWinchester - Can someone point me to example s...

Can someone point me to example sensor code that uses multiple dallastemperature sensors.

ray_sabado - We have a generator that only has ...

We have a generator that only has shutdown sensors for exhaust temp, water temp, and oil pressure. What is the easiest way to get actual values for those parameters into Signalk?

mshulman - Does anyone have a CAN to USB device...

Does anyone have a CAN to USB device that they like with good linux drivers? I thought I had one, but I can't build the ubuntu drivers for it.

big__col - I cant get N2K data into my SK serve...

I am getting other data into SK server from non-N2K devices, so i believe the Halmet to SK connection is working. It appears to only be a problem with N2K data not being fowarded to the SK server, or maybe i've missed some config on the SK server. I've used the default/example firmware from Git, untouched. Steps performed:...

barnaclebill - Any recommendations for a way to...

Any recommendations for a way to determine when a small outboard is running? 8HP/6kW, no access to any spinning parts (except the prop). I was thinking maybe an IMU to detect vibration. Pull start, so no electrical/alternator, but maybe I could insert a voltage sensor between the magneto and the spark plug.

vokkim - Also been having problems uploading Pl...

Also been having problems uploading PlatformIO build into the device and now it fails every time 😦 Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-11240 Connecting...................................... Download mode successfully detected, but getting no sync reply: The serial TX path seems to be down. The serial monitor runs fine...

vokkim - Having problems with SensESP and N2K c...

Having problems with SensESP and N2K connection. B&G Zeus can get some engine RPM readings from the ESP, but lists the device name as ??? and without any device info. Also I can't verify the actual data displayed yet since the boat is on land now, but at least the Zeus showed correctly 0 RPM. What might be the problem? Here's the relevant code: ``` tNMEA2000 *nmea2000; nmea2000 = new tNMEA2000_esp32(CAN_TX_PIN, CAN_RX_PIN);...

Tony - What’s a good Hall effect type sensor fo...

What’s a good Hall effect type sensor for reading rpm from the flywheel via a magnet? Ideally some analog type that can be powered from the esp32 pinout