juans#0046 - Hi, I bought this tachometer for m...

Hi, I bought this tachometer for my YANMAR 2GM20, everything works but the value is always 0. I connect one wire to D4 and the other to GND. I followed the example in SENSESP repository. The signal of the tachometer is sinusoidal. Acabo de encontrar este increíble artículo en AliExpress. ¡Échale un vistazo! 7,99€ | Sensor de tacómetro fueraborda HD M16 M18, medidor de Tacho, Sensor de RPM, apto para coche, camión, yate, motocicleta, velocímetro, Sensor de medidor de RPM https://a.aliexpress.com/_EH3kCnp
1 Reply
juans#0046OP6mo ago
I think I should connect 3.3V to one and D4 to the other wire.

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