DWinchester - I have an sensesp coding question...
I have an sensesp coding question.
I started this project using hatlabs HALMET firmware code considerably modified only using the tank part of code that used the analog converter modual.
In the original code a constant scale factor was set before the statement:
FloatProducer* ConnectTankSender(Adafruit_ADS1115* ads1115, int channel,
String name) {
I am trying to pass a scale factor through the ConnectTankSender call and use it to modify the results from the analog value returned below the ConnectTankSender but this creates an error wherever I try to use it.
FloatProducer* ConnectTankSender(Adafruit_ADS1115* ads1115, int channel,Scale,
String name) {
Is ther a way to do this?
1 Reply
You’re missing a variable name for your Scale parameter