motamman - I have been happily coding various s...

I have been happily coding various sensors with Arduino IDE using various flavors of the esp32-c6. I had originally intended to use micro or circuit python but they didn't work with the new esp32s when I started. (And I am not sure they do now.) But that's besides the point. I was very pleased with my signalk integration this sailing season. Recently, however, I thought I would give sensesp a looksee now that I was comfortable in the c++ sorta/Arduino world. So I ported some code over to platformio using vs code, only to discover the esp32-c6s that I use aren't supported by Arduino with platformio. All that to say, has anyone used an esp32-c6 with platformio. If so, how? And should I bother to try since what I have is working? What am I missing? My base setup includes TCP, mqtt, or udp, and ota, mdns, webserver and littleFS. Pax, Mo
2 Replies
Matti Airas
Matti Airas5mo ago
There's a long-term staredown going on between PlatformIO (the company) and several hardware vendors, at least Espressif and Raspberry Pi. PlatformIO wants (more?) money in exchange for supporting hardware on their development platform, and the hardware vendors aren't keen on paying. Due to this, the Espressif SDKs haven't been updated for quite some time on PlatformIO. This limits the officially supported hardware as well as Arduino Core versions (Arduino Core 3 was released quite some time ago but only 2.x is available on stock PlatformIO). Fortunately, there are very easy workarounds. Pioarduino is an alternative Espressif32 Arduino framework for PlatformIO: The downside is that Arduino 3 is probably slightly incompatible with v2 that is used by SensESP atm. I intend to adopt Pioarduino asap, but I first want to get SensESP v3 out of the door before getting seduced by new shiny things...
motammanOP5mo ago
I am old enough to avoid seduction. Maybe I will wait until you fall in love. And thanks for explaining what's going on. I didn't know.

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