problem starting development
I'm new to signalk development, trying to set up a development environment. Installed it raw on my mac, but get the following error after start:
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/develop/signalk/signalk-server/node_modules/@signalk/server-admin-ui/public/index.html'] {
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: '/Users/jorgen/Documents/dev/signalk/signalk-server/node_modules/@signalk/server-admin-ui/public/index.html'
and on the ui:
Could not handle admin ui root request
I have installed signalk-server, run "npm run build:all" and tried some other tricks to no avail. What am I missing?
8 Replies
Normally just
npm i
npm run build:all
npm start
Should do it... All commands issued from the project root folder.
What adrian said. i creates the symlink under node_modules, build all creates the public directory. Which one is missing?
I am afraid it does not work on my mac. But managed in a docker container, I will run that way for now.
what node & npm versions in each?
Works on my Mac
Working now after reinstallation of node and npm. Sorry for any confusion.
what do you plan to do? just curious...
I am trying to interface my garmin autopilot.
I will try to do that using the V2 api, got some good help from @AdrianP . Have made a POC that I will try in the boat later today. Biggest struggle I forsee is that the PGN's is not decoded, so I have to reverse engineer at least the parts I need to use.