SignalK to Node Red
Hi, I'm struggling with Node Red (apologies if I'm in the wrong place to post this). When I connect a TCP IN node and debug, I'm not getting a stream of PGNs but rather a single message. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I can see PGNs about output via plugin signalk-to-nmea-2000
19 Replies
What are you trying to do?
Trying to send NMEA 2000 data to Node Red first and foremost. From there, I'll build a Node Red dashboard and do some automations and other things.
You should be using the node-red-plugin and dealing with Signal K data.
You don’t want to be dealing directly with N2K data.
You don’t need to be doing tcp connections or anything like that. You just use the signalk subscribe node to listen to specific data points.
Some example flows here
node-red-embedded/examples at master · SignalK/node-red-embedded
Node red nodes for use with the signalk-node-red plugin - SignalK/node-red-embedded
SignalK signalk-node-red · Discussions
Explore the GitHub Discussions forum for SignalK signalk-node-red. Discuss code, ask questions & collaborate with the developer community.
oh wow, thanks. I knew I must have been headed down the wrong path. Will try and advise.
Attempted. I put in a path for voltage which I know to be sending data. On deploy I receive "Encrypted credentials not found." I don't see any opportunity to insert credentials in the subscribe node. Thanks again
I don’t think you’re using the mode-red plugin?
To get to node-red, go to the sk admin console, webapps.
Strange, the plugin was installed but not activated so I guess I was using another instance. Activating and clicking through on it works! I appreciate your help!
I am using SK in OS Venus Large where Node Red is also available which has nodes related to Victron devices. But if I wanted to create logics that implement N2K PGNs and Victron devices how could I have N2K and Victron nodes on a single Node Red? Is it possible to import existing Nodes on Node Red Embended?
Yes. You can install the Victron palette in the sk node-red.
If I have a Node-Red installation on Venus, in order to have both Victron Nodes and N2K nodes, do I have to install Node Red Embended in SK and then add the Victron nodes? Isn't it possible to add N2K nodes to Node Red present in Venus Os?
The SignalK nodes only work in the node-red embedded.
@Andrea Maci yes, you should disable NR in Cerbo and rather use NR as SK plugin. I also had to switch to be able to use both Victron as SK nodes. It works great, see here:
Thanks for your info I'm reading your project, really interesting, only question, trying to understand the logic of the situation: when you are connected to the shore network the boiler should already be powered? Or AC Output 2 where I connected the boiler works only in a particular condition?
sorry I didn't read that you had installed a shelly to be able to control the boiler
I have MultiPlus Compact which does not have AC2, this is why I have to control the boiler to not overload the inverter when away. Also, I like to be able to heat the water if I have plenty of battery power from sunny day.
back to the topic, I disable Venus Os NR and install the SK plugin then add the Victron palette and more?
you could leave NR from Victron, but would just use resources