WilhelmSK on IOS error

I am having a problem with WilhelmSK on my IOS devices. I keep getting the following error message: “Signal K - Output stream end encountered” Maybe related to latest IOS 18.1 update, as it has always worked great. I can log onto Signalk server via web just fine. If this is the wrong place to post, please point me in the right direction.
3 Replies
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki4mo ago
Scott Bender
Scott Bender4mo ago
My devices are on 18.1 and fine. I have not updated to 18.1.1
Greg Young
Greg Young4mo ago
i updated Ipad last night to 18.1.1. (from 17.x) all looks ok, however i did notice that WSK was quite slow to “start” and connect to my server - as compared to normal. took maybe 10seconds before all guages updated and grafana embedded guages started to show. …. summary : felt sluggish …. … the error your seeing is what usually occurs when there is a delay or broken connection between wsk and server … so im suspicious there is something here “slowing stuff down” ? further testing. seems like it was only on the first start … after updating Ipad (ios 18.1.1) and restarting Wsk … which i dont think had been updated . .. either way, subsequent shutting down and restarting wsk , and moving away from it and then back again to active window/app, … is now working comparably to previous. Summary: im not noting any issues from 18.1.1 (so far)

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