David Sanner - Beta testers (windows?) I'm ab...

Beta testers (windows?) I'm about to update my signalk-notification-player plugin but I haven't been able to test on windows. Here's the latest code https://github.com/davidsanner/signalk-notification-player if anyone is available for some quick testing before I update npmjs. This 1.0 release is fairly full featured with the ability to play audio files as well as speak any message associated with a notification (like signalk-audio-notifications) but extends that with proper queuing of notifications, control of repeating (continuous output or a single notice) and the ability to customize any notification for a given path/state.
Currently configurable audio players are afplay, omxplayer & mpg321. I figure mpg321 would be used for windows but if there's a better option please let me know and I can add it. Thx.
1 Reply
David Sanner
David SannerOP6mo ago
I added the mpg123 player as an option and updated npmjs w/ the latest version. I can add other players later / as needed.

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