Can't view the UI at after installing SensESP

I'm looking forward to getting started with sensors but I've been stuck for a few days now. I'm basically not able to get SensESP to connect with Signal K. My setup is: Pi5 OpenPlotter 4 Freenove ESP32 wrover flashed w/Espressif 1.24.0 I'm able to build the SensESP-project-template-main and upload it on the board using VSCode and PIO. Then I can connect my phone's wifi to the my-sensesp-project network but after that the WiFiManager configuration screen does not appear automatically. When I enter the captive ip address in my browser, nothing happens or it times out.
1 Reply
Fabrice Tremblay
Fabrice TremblayOP4mo ago
On the terminal I get this log (split because of post length limits):
--- Terminal on /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H
I (39) filesystem.cpp: Filesystem initialized
D (49) saveable.cpp: Configuration loaded for /system/hostname
D (49) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /system/hostname
D (107) networking.cpp: Enabling Networking
D (130) Arduino: Arduino Event: 0 - WIFI_READY
D (783) Arduino: Arduino Event: 2 - STA_START
D (798) Arduino: Arduino Event: 3 - STA_STOP
D (799) Arduino: Arduino Event: 10 - AP_START
I (799) networking.h: WiFi Access Point enabled, SSID: my-sensesp-project
I (802) networking.h: IP address of Device:
I (807) networking.cpp: Starting access point my-sensesp-project
D (814) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /System/WiFi Settings
D (854) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /system/httpserver
I (856) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
I (857) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
D (893) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /System/Signal K Settings
D (894) base_button.h: Button handler started
I (895) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
I (901) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
D (937) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /Sensors/Analog Input/Voltage
D (967) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /Sensors/Digital Input 2/Value
D (967) main.cpp: Digital input value changed: 1
I (971) http_server.h: HTTP server started
E (972) Arduino: Failed adding service http.tcp.
--- Terminal on /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 | 115200 8-N-1
--- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time
--- More details at
--- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H
I (39) filesystem.cpp: Filesystem initialized
D (49) saveable.cpp: Configuration loaded for /system/hostname
D (49) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /system/hostname
D (107) networking.cpp: Enabling Networking
D (130) Arduino: Arduino Event: 0 - WIFI_READY
D (783) Arduino: Arduino Event: 2 - STA_START
D (798) Arduino: Arduino Event: 3 - STA_STOP
D (799) Arduino: Arduino Event: 10 - AP_START
I (799) networking.h: WiFi Access Point enabled, SSID: my-sensesp-project
I (802) networking.h: IP address of Device:
I (807) networking.cpp: Starting access point my-sensesp-project
D (814) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /System/WiFi Settings
D (854) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /system/httpserver
I (856) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
I (857) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
D (893) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /System/Signal K Settings
D (894) base_button.h: Button handler started
I (895) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
I (901) saveable.cpp: Not loading configuration: no config_path specified:
D (937) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /Sensors/Analog Input/Voltage
D (967) config_item.h: Registering ConfigItemT with path /Sensors/Digital Input 2/Value
D (967) main.cpp: Digital input value changed: 1
I (971) http_server.h: HTTP server started
E (972) Arduino: Failed adding service http.tcp.
D (976) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Starting SKWSClient
E (981) Arduino: Failed adding service signalk-sensesp.tcp.

I (981) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Initiating websocket connection with server...
I (993) discovery.cpp: mDNS responder started for hostname 'my-sensesp-project'
D (1400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (1900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (2400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (2900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (3400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (3900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
W (4091) Arduino: No results found!
E (4091) signalk_ws_client.cpp: No Signal K server found in network when using mDNS service!
D (4091) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Websocket is not connecting to Signal K server because host and port are not defined.
I (4102) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Initiating websocket connection with server...
D (976) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Starting SKWSClient
E (981) Arduino: Failed adding service signalk-sensesp.tcp.

I (981) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Initiating websocket connection with server...
I (993) discovery.cpp: mDNS responder started for hostname 'my-sensesp-project'
D (1400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (1900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (2400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (2900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (3400) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
D (3900) main.cpp: Analog input value: 0.142000
W (4091) Arduino: No results found!
E (4091) signalk_ws_client.cpp: No Signal K server found in network when using mDNS service!
D (4091) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Websocket is not connecting to Signal K server because host and port are not defined.
I (4102) signalk_ws_client.cpp: Initiating websocket connection with server...

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