Fabrice Tremblay
Fabrice Tremblay
SKSignal K
Created by Fabrice Tremblay on 11/5/2024 in #questions
Can't view the UI at after installing SensESP
I'm looking forward to getting started with sensors but I've been stuck for a few days now. I'm basically not able to get SensESP to connect with Signal K. My setup is: Pi5 OpenPlotter 4 Freenove ESP32 wrover flashed w/Espressif 1.24.0 I'm able to build the SensESP-project-template-main and upload it on the board using VSCode and PIO. Then I can connect my phone's wifi to the my-sensesp-project network but after that the WiFiManager configuration screen does not appear automatically. When I enter the captive ip address in my browser, nothing happens or it times out.
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