DWinchester - When wilhelm starts how does one ...

When wilhelm starts how does one get it to bring up a specific template?
2 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender7mo ago
You can go to the settings for that connection, and choose the Layout
DWinchesterOP7mo ago
Having a problem with ruder angle, trying to display as bar graph. Value ranges from -45 to +45 and displays as such on analog meter. Data Browser shows appropriate values with units of degrees. Bar graph is set up with -45 to 45 but a degree or two causes full deflection on bar graph. The small numeric display showen above bar is much larger then the value in the data browser. Using vertical bar gauge to show tank levels. Since value is a ratio 0 to 1. In advanced gauge settings need to put in 1 for max value. The numeric display at bottom of gauge shows 0 % with half full tanks. The bar in gauge is correct.

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