David Godin - Issue with Polar Performance. For...

Issue with Polar Performance. For some reason I'm not receiving updates past the first one. Here is a debug log if it helps: Jun 21 23:24:48 2024-06-22T03:24:48.372Z signalk-polar-performance-plugin sendUpdates: [{"path":"performance.boatSpeedDamped","value":0},{"path":"environment.wind.angleTrueWaterDamped","value":0.363},{"path":"performance.beatAngle","value":0.691},{"path":"performance.beatAngleVelocityMadeGood","value":2.473},{"path":"performance.targetSpeed","value":3.209},{"path":"performance.polarSpeed","value":1.064},{"path":"performance.polarSpeedRatio","value":0}] Jun 21 23:24:48 2024-06-22T03:24:48.470Z signalk-polar-performance-plugin environment.wind.angleTrueWater (TWA): 0.38400000000000006 applyDamping: 0.36447406848531283 port: 1 Jun 21 23:24:48 2024-06-22T03:24:48.470Z signalk-polar-performance-plugin performance.polarSpeedRatio = BSP (0.00)/ performance.polarSpeed (2.09) Jun 21 23:24:48 2024-06-22T03:24:48.470Z signalk-polar-performance-plugin sendUpdates: [{"path":"performance.boatSpeedDamped","value":0},{"path":"environment.wind.angleTrueWaterDamped","value":0.364},{"path":"performance.beatAngle","value":0.691},{"path":"performance.beatAngleVelocityMadeGood","value":2.472},{"path":"performance.targetSpeed","value":3.207},{"path":"performance.polarSpeed","value":1.075},{"path":"performance.polarSpeedRatio","value":0}]
20 Replies
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
I have a breakpoint filtering on update.$source == "signalk-polar-performance-plugin" It's like the server only sends the first Delta updates when the source is signalk-polar-performance-plugin. I get updates for performance.velocityMadeGood but it's from derived-data The data updates fine in SK Data Browser.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki9mo ago
I find it unlikely that the server would treat data from a specific plugin differently for Kip. ” it is like…” - are you getting updates over websocket or not?
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
I know!!! Maybe I was just tired… I have breakpoint while parsing delta updates that looks for all $source that are from performance source. It’s low level and I only get one update. That’s why I’m asking as it’s pretty strange. Is there a simple trick to look at sent path data with another tool? (Edit): found the problem. KIP either processes meta or values delta keys and both are sent every time, except on connection where values come in first with no meta key. @HansT Hi Hans. Are the owner of signalk-polar-performance-plugin I looked at delta updates a bit deeper. Here is what I found: 1- The updates delta array items for $source: "signalk-polar-performance-plugin" always contains both meta and values keys. If I understood correctly, it should either contain meta or values, right? KIP follows this guideline and processes either one or the other key. It can be easily changed but if it's not how meta/values should be sent, I'd rather we fix the plugin. 2- meta array items are sent too often and always contain the same information. It's should probably only be sent on initial connection, and when there are meta value changes, which I don't think is a use case as meta for those path are pretty much static; they contain unit and description. This would reduce unnecessary delta update traffic. 3- values array items (path value) are updated very frequently (could be as much as 15 times per second) due to the nature of this plugin. All path values, 16 paths or so, are sent everytime, even if the path values don't change. This could be improved to only send new values, or reemit old values after some period if required. It would significantly reduce delta update traffic. The above only happens after initial connection delta updates. SK only send values updates for each path, then after it starts sending both meta and values keys.
HansT9mo ago
Can you try the version I just pushed (0.45)? That should fix 1 and 2.
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
@HansT I get the following: Jun 22 12:10:06 signalk-polar-performance-plugin failed to start: Unexpected end of input Jun 22 12:10:06 /home/parallels/.signalk/node_modules/signalk-polar-performance-plugin/plugin/index.js:774 SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input at internalCompileFunction (node:internal/vm:73:18) at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1178:20) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1220:27) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:12) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:119:18) at doRegisterPlugin (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/interfaces/plugins.js:397:39) at registerPlugin (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/interfaces/plugins.js:258:13) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/interfaces/plugins.js:209:13 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at startPlugins (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/interfaces/plugins.js:208:85) at Object.start (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/interfaces/plugins.js:46:13) at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/index.js:503:50 at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:4967:15 at Function.forIn (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/node_modules/lodash/lodash.js:13018:11) at startInterfaces (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/index.js:480:22) at Server.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/index.js:328:17) at Generator.next (<anonymous>) at fulfilled (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/signalk-server/lib/index.js:23:58) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
HansT9mo ago
My bad, try 0.46.
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
@HansT fantastic! @HansT point 3 would be great, if doable, and you find time...
HansT9mo ago
Not sure about 3 yet. The overhead of timestamp checking might be more than the processing of the values.
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
@HansT nice to work together. I'll do some performance widgets at some point so I'll probably bug you to make sure I get it right and leverage what you built 😉
HansT9mo ago
Happy to help where I can! And nice work on the widgets!
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
True. I think the question is more of a: do I need to resend the path value every time. Maybe some paths don't need to update that often, eliminating the need to have timers and such What I mean is, as an example, beatAngle could probably only be sent when it changes, else don't send it.
HansT9mo ago
Ah, yes. I'll have a look to see how to do this.
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
cool. because the way it is now, it's updating all 16 paths 10 to 15 times/sec In most updates, only 1 or 2 path have new values It won't reduce the overall update frequency, but it will reduce packet size, and most important, it will significantly reduce client app that work with path reactive event for processing. In KIP, when the path value is updated, it triggers path Observer processing. I could filter for new values only but it would add unnecessary processing to all path updates. Better to only receive when value really change. In our case, this would reduce update events from 16 paths 10-15 time per second, down to maybe 1 or 2 @HansT I just noticed after leaving the debugger running and tacking meta updates that I got meta updates with 2 paths. One from performance.gybeAngle and some second path (sorry I clicked too fast and missed it's path value). There is probably some logic that, later in the code, update meta values. It took a while to show up and I have not seen it since, so it's probably not that critical
HansT9mo ago
Strange. As you can see in the code, the metas[] is build up and then only sent once: if (firstUpdate) { app.handleMessage(plugin.id, { updates: [ { meta: metas, } ]}) firstUpdate = false }
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
I've not seen it since... Probably a fluke on my end.
HansT9mo ago
changing debug for instance causes a plugin restart I think, maybe that happened?
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
not in this case. I was reading an article when the debugger suddenly pulled me to a breakpoint event. It happened after maybe 15 min of starting KIP
HansT9mo ago
Ok, it's in the latest version Thanks to ChatGPT and a single line request. Soon github will just do the coding for each issue 🙂
David Godin
David GodinOP9mo ago
I’ve looked quickly at the data your plugin offers. Great work! Can’t wait to connect widgets with it. @HansT do you think it would possible and beneficial to grab the webapp code and put it in a KIP widget so it could display the perf graph?
HansT9mo ago
Possibly. I've created it to be able to show on a B&G MFD in the cockpit. It should be simple enough to make a KIP version of it (B&G has some limitations on what it can do in html - it was trial and error to get it to work)

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