barnaclebill - Can anyone point me to an exampl...

Can anyone point me to an example of using SensESPAppBuilder class to create an application object with no wifi configuration? I'm retrofitting SensESP to an existing ESP32 application that already does all the wifi configuration; I just need an app object that allows me to connect to SK.
1 Reply
Matti Airas
Matti Airas4w ago
I was going to suggest you to have a look at examples/minimal_app.cpp, but at closer inspection, it's quite broken. The basic idea is that instead of using SensESPAppBuilder (SensESPApp instantiates a lot of stuff under the hood), you use SensESPMinimalAppBuilder that only creates a skeleton app. You then manually pull in items from sensesp_app.h that you want to instantiate. Have a look at this gist:
An example for using SensESP with codebase that already manages the...
An example for using SensESP with codebase that already manages the WiFi connection - minimal_app.cpp

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