gregy - split view . nope.features.Do you ha...

split view . nope. features. Do you have any plan to do a “ multi guage” for any of the other victron devices? (kinda like the battery/charging guage) The victron-BLE plugin is being modified to supoort additional victron devices as they have BLE added. for example the plugin currently supports B2B’s (orion), and shortly will support IP65/67 chargers.. (awaiting victron release of updated fw to support BLE - which is in beta accoring to mvader) .. and hopefully also smart batteries .. all of which have BLE .. but no other connectivity … so only method is to listen BLE i was about to “build” a guage for the orions … ie from a few small guages …. there isnt a lot of useful info… (no current), but still handy to know its “charge state” and of course its input & output voltages (also its “shutdown” reason if applicable) .. likewise ip67 chargers have only limited info available… but useful to know their charge mode (for remote monitoring when on shore power) i realise you dont have these devices … so if? u were to do a guage , testing will be difficult. i can provide details (at moment sk path details for b2bs ) (in total i have 6x b2bs. 2 x ip67s, 3 x smart batteries)
15 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Can you mock something up so I can see what you mean?
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
yep will snap a pic of what is shown in victron connect app will get you paths that are created in sk from ble-plugin will do a (bad) hand drawing of what it might look like. here snapshots of the BOTH victron connect app summary page & detailed BT page (summary i believe is the BLE readouts.TBC) (there is additional info provided when going into device using normal BT ) .. so some doubt in my mind exactly what might be produced bybthe (future) BLE plugin enhancement to support IP67/5 chargers and Smart batteries.. for Orion B2Bs ive shown both victron connect displays (summary page BLE? and more detailed page via BT)
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
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Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
will be 24hrs before i can get the skpaths that are created for orion B2B’s (from victron-BLE plugin) .. which is ultimately what will be available to WSK for components of a guage
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
I have an Orion, so don’t worry about.
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Can also get the paths from the plugin code
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
ok noted.. as yet it doesnt support the IP6x chargers or smart batteries, so we can focus on Orions first orions appear to give input voltage output voltage state just realised its a very trivial “guage” 🙂 maybe 3 items … may be easier to just define seaparte guages?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Yeah, not sure it makes sense to do one for the Orion.
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
agree. future smart batteries will be more complex
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
Maybe a generic “Charger” gauge that would work for both.
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
likewise IP6X will be same as orions
Scott Bender
Scott Bender10mo ago
The battery gauge could be interesting…
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
IP6X chargers provide (via normal BT access) current (amps) as well as voltage and mode… so a “smart” guage would need to cater to input voltage output voltage state current assuming. that the future IP6x BLE FW update from victron includes the “current” displayed via BLE i will have a play with BLE plugin and my orions tomorrow… just off to the QLD Aust boat show …. could be an expensive day for me 🙂 (keep the credit card in pocket!) i had a look at the BLE plugin, and indeed for Orions it suggests that the plugin provides following to signalk paths charging mode input voltage output voltage error reason off reason. … which indicates that “all” of the data available from the app when accessing unit via BT is provided in BLE msg (good) … as distinct from what appears to be more truncated in the victron connect app “summary” page for each device. … if this pattern follows for IP67/5 chargers and batteries - then the above snapshots i took should be indication of what we could expect in future BLE plugin versions ..
Greg Young
Greg YoungOP10mo ago
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