signalk no longer seeing nk2 messages af...

Beware, there is currently an issue when updating the server when you use a canbus/socketcan device. Please refrain from updating until I figure this out. Or follow the fix in this issue.
signalk no longer seeing nk2 messages after 2.13.0 upgrade from 2.1...
candump can0 | candumpanalyzerjs confirms the can0 network is up and running. Signalk shows 0 delta/second since the upgrade. The only errors I see in the logs are: Jan 28 10:58:08 [signalk-to-nmea...
1 Reply
Scott Bender
Scott BenderOP2mo ago
So, basically this comes down to something changing that we have no control over and now socketcan requires node >= v18.17.0 or >= v20.5.0 If you have this issue, please update your node version and reinstall the server: sudo npm install -g signalk-server note that it has been reported that this is happening with 20.18.2 and I am nort sure why. The manual fix in the issue does work in that case.

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