New user help

And am trying to setup Open Plotter and have it and Signal K installed and working however I am having a issue getting KIP to connect to signal K. On the CONNECTION page in settings it is asking for the address to the Signal K server........ I have no idea what that address should be and cant find an answer in the Signal K document section.
Can anyone please help mw on how to find the server address
6 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender6mo ago
It’s your server address, none of us can tell you that. Can you access the sk admin console? Just go to Web Apps there.
rjnorris9533OP6mo ago
it is whatever Signal K setup up...... and I dont know where to look...... Ive tried and a few others that Ive found on some articale but nothing worked. Here is the funny thing it was working fine and had some dashboards setup with KIP and I did not do anything to set it up other than use the defaults however I had a problem with a OS update and did a fresh install of Raspbery PI OS, Open Plotter and Signal K and this time it didnt work. and going to the WEB Apps in Signal K is how I am accessing it. It will load to DEMO mode but otherwise want to know the Signal K server address to send an verify the token
Scott Bender
Scott Bender6mo ago
It should just work, you don’t have to anything with connnections Or tokens
rjnorris9533OP6mo ago
did you look at the screen shot i attached to my origianl post. Cant get past this screen and get a message that says "404 cant find host"
Scott Bender
Scott Bender6mo ago
I can’t see the shot you posted, doesn’t look like an image
rjnorris9533OP6mo ago
ill post it again later..... I have to run to a meeting. Thanks for the help so i figured it out........ In the KIP app I went to the "Storage" tab along the top then selected "reset App" and the "Reset Connection" rebooted to restart Signal K and everything worked........ Thanks so much for replying and your help!!

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