Владимир Калачихин - Signal K Server version 2...

Signal K Server version 2.13.1 Server API app.setPluginError(str) places the message in the Status column of Dashboard, not in the Last Error.
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14 Replies
Scott Bender
Scott Bender3w ago
that is how it is supposed to work
Владимир Калачихин
Ok. Is there a way for the app.debug to show a greater inspection depth than two levels?
Scott Bender
Scott Bender3w ago
Not sure what you mean. Your debug messages will show in the Server Log when enabled.
Владимир Калачихин
Just relax, bro.
Scott Bender
Scott Bender3w ago
Huh? I did not understand your question. lol I give up Can someone please explain to me why I deserved a “Just relax, bro”?
Владимир Калачихин
1) I'm aware of the basic stuff. 2) the Server Log is very inconvenient and extremely crooked thing. Everyone who does something knows this. 3) The app.debug shows objects to a depth of only two nesting levels. Everyone who does something knows this. The debug module, used in SignalK, has some parm to to specify the nesting depth. But I failed to apply it. Anyone who has encountered this problem would understand my question. And if you don't understand, you don't have to.
Teppo Kurki
Teppo Kurki3w ago
You can JSON.stringify the messages to debug if you want deeper debug messages The object formatters will probably work but i have never used them
Ed3w ago
@Владимир Калачихин Why so rude? This software project is open source and the developers do this in their own free time without getting paid. Please be more polite so that these people don’t give up trying to help us. Asking questions is fine and if you think something is wrong you can also create an issue on GitHub, write a feature request or even a pull request if you know how to fix something. Let’s keep it a pleasant group.
Владимир Калачихин
Don't tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go.
Scott Bender
Scott Bender3w ago
That pretty much says it all 🤣
Matti Airas
Matti Airas3w ago
<Admin hat on>Please go read the server #rules again. Your behavior is not necessary, constructive or acceptable. @Ed said it very well.</Admin hat off>
Владимир Калачихин
Are you going to ban a developer because a jerk isn't happy?
Matti Airas
Matti Airas3w ago
Nobody has mentioned banning. Go have a cup of coffee, reflect on your goals wrt. this community, and think about what kind of behavior will best help you achieve those goals. Also note that you being a "jerk" (your words, not mine - calling other people names would be grounds for banning) is a choice and not a rule of nature. You can choose how you behave. Or in other words, you are free to express your unhappiness, but you need to use a different tone.
Jan Dytrych
Jan Dytrych2w ago
Man, you should be more polite to others, specially @Scott Bender as he has done a lot for this community.

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