joshgraff - Freeboard-sk offline maps? Is the...
Freeboard-sk offline maps?
Is there a way to configure freeboard to not require an internet connection?
19 Replies
Yes. You can use charts plugin to provide chart data, commonly in mbtiles format
Thanks! I'll check it out.
Are you in the US? If so, I’ve been working (well, I only did testing) with s57-tiler owner. With s57-tiler, you can generate local FreeboardSK compatible charts from the free NOAA S57 enc charts so basically you can get all the US charts for free. If you can source s57 enc charts for your region this could be a solution.
You’ll need the next FSK version that will include a PR with fixes.
I'm using OpenSeaMap charts in mbtiles-Format in Freeboard.
I usually use opencpn which has its own downloader for the ACE charts. How do you get the charts into freeboardsk?
You get the charts into Signal K and Freeboard makes use of them. Install the charts plugin and configure it / save the charts data for it to access
Hey so I'm back on the boat, and I've got FSK on. I've got the folder that OpenCPN downloads of the NOAA charts Maybe in S57, I'm not sure. I have SignalkCharts pointed to that folder. There doesn't seem to be a way in FSK to select which charts to use.
@joshgraff did you convert the charts?
@joshgraff original NOAA charts are zip file like
I'm a bit outside my experience with the charts. I see txt files when I copy the ENC. Can freeboard read ENC? Or do I need RNC?
ENC files only
Okay I have the ENC in .signalk/charts.
I have 'charts' in the chart provider plugin
Should I see it as a menu item in FSK?
(thanks for your help btw)
see here
You need to first convert the ENC (s57) to mbtiles using s57tiller
get the charts you need from the site - select the area and Available Products ENC button
Okay interesting. do you know if that's different from the OpenCPN "prepare charts" option?
no clue
I'll get s57tiler
see the instructions. Once you get the charts, you need a specific folder structure for s57tiler. You extract the zip to the enc folder, run s57tiler and it will output to a new folder under the charts folder. rename to new folder the chart name (zip file name) and move it to the SK charts plugin folder.
You have to do one chart at a time.
After that, you should see your chart in FSK
Awesome. I appreciate your help
This feels like it might be good content for the github readme of the chartprovider or the FSK, and if it is already, then perhaps a nice feature would be to link to the github for each plugin from the plugin config page (to more easily find such documentation)
In FSK you will find references to s57tiler's github. Although chart plugin and s57tiler are seperate from FSK, I agree it could be much better. May I suggest you write a good how-to guide and submit a PR to FSK. That will help!
Great idea! I'll take a shot at it.