Android app for SignalK: OceanIX?

According to Getting Started there is mention of OceanIX app for Android, but I do not find this app, at least not on my Google Play. Is there some other app like WilhelmSK (iOS) available for Android? I do not have any iOS device, otherwise I would be glad to buy it, as it seems great. Also: it would be useful to mention Victron Cerbo GX device that provide SignalK in Large firmware in Getting Started. I think more people could get to know what additional functinality Cerbo can provide with SignalK.
3 Replies
Jan Dytrych
Jan Dytrych3w ago
Regarding Android apps, please check your DMs.
David Godin
David Godin2w ago
You can try KIP. Not an Android app per say but it runs on Android as it’s a web app.
tobi422w ago
looks like the "OceanIX" app got renamed to "SmartBoat" -->
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